in #wafrica5 years ago


Many years have come and gone
Am yet to forget you
I have tried to move on
I have tried to start afresh
I have practically burnt everything
that consatantly reminds me of you
I still can't let go

The times we spent together
The constant whispers of love
The kisses and unending hugs
You were my personal teddy bear
cause you give the best hugs
And your cuddle is so comforting
Your touch was so warm and pure


I just can't forget our very first kiss
It sent electricity all down my body
and kept me longing for more
Our constant arguments that never lasted
long cause you always say sorry even
when you are not at fault
You said you would never intentionally
bring tears to my eyes

Whenever there is a tear drop you kiss it
away with your soft lips
Your heart melting words keep me smiling
How can I forget you so easily
You did not just leave me but you
completely left the earth to a place
where I would never be able to reach you

The most painful part is that I never got a
chance to say goodbye
You left me without notice
You should have atleast told me
so I can prepare my heart the pain
my eyes for the tears and head for
the aches and thinking

You said you will spend forever with me
You said we would grow old together
Remember you said I will share your
name with you
I will be your Miss and you my Mr
What will happen to those dreams
now that you are gone
Why did you have to die

You left me alone
You dashed my hope of been your
forever against the wall
That place is still empty
That spot is still blank
My skin still have bumps at the thought
Of you
I still long for your touch
I still haven't replaced you
I miss you dear.