in #wafrica5 years ago


Loneliness had always been my
My world was empty and dark
But you came into my life and
changed everything
My lonley days are finally over and
may darkness light
Because of your love

Smiles have never siezied from my lips
since I met you
When the ground was stony , you carried
me on your back
When it was sunny you were my shade
When it was cold ,you warmed me up with
your touch
You have become my best friend and lover

I know I can be annoying at times
I get angry over little things and I get on
your nerves alot
Yet you over look my imperfections and
You never turned your back on me
Instead you love completely for who I am
I might not be tall but with you I can
touch the stars.

You are love personified
An epitome of care and kindness
All men men should come and learn from you
cause even love itself learned from you
You are an institution of love
I once asked you why you love me and why
you choose me
You said you choose me cause I am original
And as for why you love me you said you do not know
You just find yourself loving me endlessly

Your smile is priceless
When you talk funny it makes me laugh all-day
When you kiss me,I melt completely in
your arms
And when you cuddle me at night,I don't feel
like leaving the bed
One reason I can't let go is that you never
fail to whisper into my ears how much you
love me

You copy is only one in this world and it's
the original .
You the best among the rest
The world may choose to end but my love
for you knows no end
I promise you this day to make every single
man alive wish they have what you have
Which is me.
I love you so much my man