Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 7 – The Vril Society is Alive and Unwell

in #vril6 years ago

This will be the most difficult letter I’ll have to write to you. Imagining that you will be reading these letters during your childhood/adolescence; a time in your life which is meant to be magical and filled with possibilities of the future, but it’s necessary for me to educate you as to the true nature of evil in this world. The sooner you realize, and understand this, the better grasp you will have on the forces that will attempt to control you.

The Vril Society was not taught to me in school, or anywhere else. It is with great appreciation to the men and women who have done the research, and bravely summarized and made available this information. Given its prominence in the Nazi party and the manner in which they embraced its negative energy, it definitely is worth at least a mention so that we understand what motivates these men and women to do the sick acts they perpetuate in order to conquer the world. It has been intentionally left out of educational curriculum, because the Vril (Nazis) control the educational systems across the globe and don’t wish those who can think across more than two dimensions to put the pieces together.

After World War I the evil would-be world conquerors from Germany, who had lost, began to search for the one source of strength that would allow them to continue toward their “destiny” of world domination. There was a novel written in the nineteenth century about a race of beings that lived beneath the earth’s surface who had a magical command of the energy that would allow them to destroy anything. They were called the Vrillian. The children had the greatest amount of control over the energy because contained within their earthly beings was its purest form; a purity that is lost as one ages. Sick people throughout the world feel compelled to harvest this energy in order to reverse the effects of aging. You can’t rule the world if you have no energy to do so.

After World War I, unfortunately, there were a lot of orphaned children who would not be missed when they disappeared. The Vril took these children; tortured, raped, and murdered them. Once dead they would drain them of their blood in order to drink it and ingest the heightened energy filled hormones released when a child is in mortal fear. These hormones supposedly contained the force that would give practitioners the ability to lengthen their lives in order to conquer the world across generations to accomplish their goal. Vampires have been purposefully romanticized throughout history and popular culture for the sensuous manner in which their life’s blood was extracted from their victims. It’s in that fashion they recruit gullible and weak-minded megalomaniacs to increase their numbers in order to achieve world domination. Yes, as with my last letter concerning Ian Fleming, I will always believe that throughout human history literature has been used to try and communicate what abject evil actually inhabits our planet.

Most peoples’ minds don’t work in this way, and it is very difficult for the everyday man and woman to understand. What you (please) need to do is allow your mind to “go there” for only as long as it takes to understand the kind of evil it is that would do this to a child below the age of puberty. It is that kind of arrogance that the global elite possess that makes them feel as though they have a divine right to do what it is they do.

More and more evidence is coming out that politicians and Hollywood elite engage in this kind of activity, and they work hand-in-glove in order to move their agenda forward; making Washington DC and Hollywood nothing more than a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. This is not news that you can find on your nightly broadcast, but thanks to many men and women who are true freedom fighters the information is out there. As I have said before, an organization that spends hundreds of billions of dollars every year to produce news (propaganda) is not doing it for the benefit of “little old you.” You must gather all available information, use your critical thinking skills, and decide for yourself what you feel; what you know to be true.

There is a lot of evidence that the Nazis/Vril won World War II; in the way they wanted. One of Hitler’s greatest goals was to conquer the United States. He knew it was inconceivable that this be done militarily, so they changed their tactic and elongated their timeline. As I have progressed through my five decades on earth, I have seen hate in this country build, not wane. This is so foreign when I think about how I was raised to love and respect everyone. The evil Vril energy has taken hold in the United States. All one needs to do is watch the nightly propaganda to realize that its sole purpose is to stir up emotions and pervert the universal truth of infinite love; in the same manner they perverted the swastika. This symbol was originally one that represented global harmony and happiness. The Nazis took that symbol and switched its orientation so that it rotated left instead of right in order to taint its energy forces and turn those who embraced its meaning toward the dark side of human emotions.

Perverted propaganda is the same across generations and is how they controlled the German population so deftly that small children would spit on Jews and they were paraded through the streets as a symbol (and to place blame) of why the German economy was in shambles. Don’t act emotionally. That’s what the Nazis want, because that is how they control you. Act intellectually; always waiting until you have enough facts to make an informed decision. If the German people had acted rationally, there may have never been a Holocaust.

As I have said several times in our correspondence; humans are flawed by the desires of the flesh. Given what we now know about the amount of rape and pedophilia in the highest government and corporate offices across the world, it is now evident that the evil that controls the world has fooled the masses into looking upon government as an anthropomorphic being with everyone’s best interest at heart. This is why the earth is hell because we have allowed it to happen. Never place your faith in anyone other than yourself; period. If my generation doesn’t takeback control you have my sincerest apologies.

Yes, I still believe in the two constants within the universe; absolute truth and infinite love. Good will always prevail over evil, as religion teaches. However, evil will lie to you and pretend to be benevolent in order to take over. You must realize this and educate yourself about world events and arrive at your own conclusions. Don’t rely on lying human beings. As I’ve said before, we are trapped by our physical beings. Earthly desires cause us to forgo the truth in order to achieve physical pleasure. The Vril know this. They embody it to achieve their own twisted desires, and project it onto us in order for us to fall into line with their vision of a utopia controlled by them.

Until we meet!

Love, Papa