First we need to grow up

in #voting8 years ago (edited)

Friends, we seriously need to stop having emotional debates and instead look at facts and the meaning of words. I know, it is easier to be emotional, because emotions travel fast. Analysis and contemplation require time. And focus. Today’s society lacks both.

You know who else reacts solely on an emotional basis? Little children. And frankly: the way people reacted after this election shows you that many are just that: little children. The ones that find Big Daddy in Trump are childlike, sure. But the ones that break down crying because their candidate lost are as well.

How did we get to this point, where we place all our hopes, everything that we are, the future of mankind, our very destiny in somebody else’s hands? Why does it even make sense in our heads, that one person (or a cabinet, a senate, or parliament, or whatever fancy name you want to give it) could tell 300m plus people what to do and how to behave? Don’t you see the utter lunacy of this belief?

The entire lead-up to this event – and that’s what it was first and foremost: an event. An event for spectators, which is what most people have become. Mere spectators. Personal action and responsibility for those actions are shunned in favor of oblivion and mindlessness – the lead-up to this event was mostly nothing but a back and forth of emotional non-arguments. Largely targeted against Trump to be fair.

There’s nothing you cannot say against Trump, although I’d say you can challenge a lot of what he’s been branded as. And I’m not saying this to defend Trump – which may be hard to grasp for people that are solely guided by their emotions –, I’m saying this so as not to lose touch with reality.

And not much debate in the lead-up to this election was grounded in reality. Trump has been demonized to the point of being the devil incarnate. At the same Clinton was acquitted, based on the bogus assertion that she would have been the lesser of two evils, although she’s likely to have more skeletons in her closet than you could possibly find in Trump’s, even if his whole life had been secretly recorded on tape. Our reactions to the election's outcome are based on those assessments, which are, quite frankly: bollocks. They aren’t based in reality.

At least most of the shit that was revealed about Clinton came from proper leaks. And now people have the audacity to BLAME Wikileaks for helping Trump win. Are you kidding me? What would you rather have seen: a maniac getting a free ticket despite all her wrongdoings? Have you even contemplated the evil that this woman represents? Have you read the stuff from John Podesta’s emails? That is some dark, occult shit, and you’d rather let that pass just so the candidate you hate so much doesn’t win? If your answer to that question is yes, than you prove to be a child all over again. It’s like putting your hands over your eyes and thinking „I can’t see, so no one can see me.“

Okay, so Trump is here now. A megalomaniac in power. As if Clinton wasn’t just as big a megalomaniac. The difference is, Trump makes no secret of it. And that may be part of why people hate him so much. He reveals to them the truth of what RULERSHIP means. He kind of reveals the insanity of this system. Maybe, through him, we will once and for all realize how absurd it is to put so much power in to the hands of such few people. If you’re outraged that a raging megalomaniac is in charge, good. Be outraged. But be outraged at the very concept of putting someone in charge. The past, all of human history, shows, that people in those positions are power addicts without the slightest qualm. Some may be able to present themselves in a swaggy way (like Obama), some just don’t hide the fact they're morons. But evil they all do.

If you have a shred of honesty left inside you, you will admit that Clinton, like so many in the political arena, needs to be put on trial. Just for the stuff that’s been revealed through Wikileaks. Add her husband’s sleazy past, and her staff’s love for weird-ass satanic rituals, and I cannot understand the outrage that has befallen the world right now.

Trump wants to build a bloody wall. That’s so fucked up, it baffles description. But let me make something perfectly clear to all the people that want a world without borders. You can’t have that AND states/governments. You want a government that takes care of you? Then expect borders. And expect anybody that enters those borders to be perceived as an enemy by those who have become replaceable in our society. The „deplorables“ as Clinton would call them.

The underlying issues to the mess we’re in goes so much deeper than a bloody X on a piece of paper.

Grow up folks. Grow up. Because I have news for you: YOU alone are in control of your life. YOU are responsible for your actions, decisions and their outcome. YOU have to take responsibility for them. No one will ever be able to relieve you of that duty. No one can. Not Trump, who says he’ll keep out problems by building a wall, and not somebody like Sanders, who just promises everyone free stuff.

The underlying issue is a personal one for each individual. It comes down to the question of whether authority can ever be moral and right. And just because you get YOUR candidate into power that doesn’t mean that their claim to power is any more legitimate than if your opponents get THEIR candidate into power. But you probably won’t see it that way, because this whole debate has turned into a „us against them“ thing. People displaying their vanity by calling their opponents the most vile things just because their horse in the race didn’t cross the finish line first.

Lastly: All this talk about sovereign nations and stuff is meaningless, as long as we don’t realize that we all, each and everyone of us, are sovereign human beings. Once we realize we are sovereign beings, the very concept of having a nation claiming sovereignty will make no more sense.

But guess what: no sovereign human being wants a master, a ruler. Being sovereign and being ruled over are mutually exclusive. So make a decision that actually matters for a change.