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RE: Misrepresenting Anarchism

in #voluntaryis7 years ago

It's because socialists coopted the term 'anarchy' that I don't self-identify as an 'anarchist'. I just want to be UNCIVILIZED, and I do mean that in the purest sense of the word...UN-CITY-FIED for folks who've lost access to or refuse to consult dictionaries. How our ancestors lived, when they were roaming nomads, before clustering around the city-god's alter, tithing a portion of wealth to the priest-king, in return for divine favor...that's what I want humanity to get back to. But, I also want humanity to take with it the awareness of manipulative parasitic psychopaths, the same human subspecies that defined and maintain the socioeconomic system we're now in.

No society or economy would exist without a foundation of cooperation. Cooperation has enabled socioeconomic expansion, organization and production specialization, while competition curtails expansion, and left unchecked, can lead to social and economic collapse. Organic competition, i.e. poor quality, over-priced goods don't sell - is useful as a mechanism to encourage innovation and efficient use of resources. However, inorganic competition, i.e. economic cannibalism and the use of wealth, power and politics to destroy the livelihood of competitors - has no place in a free and fair market. Yet, that's primarily what we have now - economic cannibalism, reliant on the productivity of the many to generate wealth and power for the few, rigidly resisting cooperation in the marketplace to support consumer choice and employment opportunities for all.

In my way of thinking, any and all social, political and economic systems will fail, unless the predatory and parasitic PEOPLE are recognized as anti-social and curtailed from manipulating these systems to serve their own interests instead of the interests of humanity, from families on up to global.

Even an anarchic system is susceptible to the destructive influences of socioeconomic predators and parasites. It's important to think now about how to identify the behavior and isolate the actors.