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RE: Misrepresenting Anarchism

in #voluntaryis7 years ago

Assuming human desire is infinite and resources are finite. If there is an apple orchard within a communist community, how does one determine how many apples people can take when there is no value placed on it? Or if the value is arbitrary from central planners?

In a capitalist economic model, what people can take is determined by scarcity. The neat thing about private ownership is that if someone owns the orchard, they can plant more trees and produce more apples. The more apples, the cheaper it becomes to acquire, and even give away, apples.

In a communist system, the orchard is stripped clean of apples and everyone starves because of a lack of built in scarcity control (value). Then rationing is used to control scarcity. This requires violence to enforce.

This is why "real communism has never been tried", because it ends up being an authoritarian nightmare that no communism proponent wants to own up to. They will deny that USSR was communist or Mao's mass starvation of China was communist. The results were not communist, so therefore it was not communism.

All of them attempted to artificially control scarcity, and failed, to the detriment of 100s of millions of people. But capitalism is the world's most dangerous economic theory.


Theories aren't dangerous.

The individuals (in collectives) that use violence on others are dangerous.