Creating a Voluntary Social Structure & Free Market Economy

in #voluntary-society8 years ago (edited)

Greetings! I would like to share my idea for making free market economics become the main stream as well as for helping western civilization move closer to a voluntary society. Oh, and on top of those two very important goals, I also think this idea has the potential to help topple the crony-capitalist control structure the western world is currently living under. Take a read if you are interested and let me know where my blind spots are if you see them. I intend to make this idea become a reality and would like as much feedback as possible.

In the current information age, anyone that is driven and determined enough has access to just about any sort of information they want. I am a project manager for an architectural firm at the moment, but I have also spend more time learning and studying various different subjects in the past 10 years than I did during my 15 years of formal 'schooling'. People all over the world are developing a new economy where the health and happiness of people and the environment have equal standing to being profitable or making money. Quality of life if becoming more important to many than being rich, even though the two need not be exclusive of each other. This is a very positive development, and I have no doubt that this new economy will continue slowly growing into the future until it hits critical mass and overthrows the existing economic model. The problem with this slow growth is that it gives time to the current economy to adjust and block growth in the voluntary system via additional regulations, lack of funding availability, etc. A solution to this problem is a blitzkrieg style promotion of a voluntary economic system that can bring in massive amounts of new people who immediately begin participating in this new economy. That is the summary of what this idea is trying to achieve. Now, on to the means and methods of the idea...

This project begins with education. I would like to see a platform created where existing podcast style interviews and lectures along with how-to videos are organized and structured in a way that could be thought of as a type of curriculum. In addition to this, hands-on workshop style groups could be organized and used to create functional business models for the participants to run once they gain the necessary skills and knowledge. All of this could be recorded and compiled in a way that makes it the next generation of educational content. Education and business become two sides to the same coin. (*I will make a separate post that further elaborates on the educational portion of this plan in more detail)

Whenever an individual signs up for this education platform, they are given an account with a 100,000 'educational credits'. These credits become the currency of the new economy and would be pegged to some form of sound money. I'm of the opinion the new money this platform uses should be priced as 1/3 BTC, 1/3 Gold, 1/3 Silver so when a person applies, they would get an account that would contain approximately 500 BTC equivalent, 200oz gold equivalent, and 15,000oz silver equivalent (calculated at Aug. 2016 prices). This would allow a means for the existing BTC / Gold / Silver holders to participate and transfer their wealth to the new economy as well. These amounts would be adjusted to the price of the physical metals and real BTC price so everyone gets as equal amount of new currency as possible relative to the moment in time they sign up. The first people that join the voluntary economy now are able to create business and physical education sites while their customers then have somewhere to spend their 100,000 tokens while they are gaining their skills and education. This currency system is admittedly lacking in details and I am looking for help in developing it further. That's one of the things I'm hoping this post helps bring about too, so please chime in if you have thoughts on this.

Along with the 100,000 tokens / credits a person gets when they sign up to the new education platform, a set amount of credits would be placed in what I think of as a public account. This public account would be 100% transparent and visible to any member in real time. I think a group of 12 or so people should be in control of dispersing these funds to private groups that have plans for large scale projects that help the community at large. So if someone had an idea to clean up the oceans of trash that they put a $2,000,000 budget to, the administrative group in charge of dispersing funds would have a public discussion on the project that is recorded and readily view able to any member of the community. The administrative group would collectively decided whether or not to fund the project, the community as a whole would have a window of 7 days to veto the councils decision. On the 8th day, the funds either get transferred to an escrow account if the project is approved by the community or the project gets dismissed if it is not accepted by the community. the community as a whole would need some sort of mechanism to replace any of the council members that were acting inappropriately as well. Any sort of leadership would need to completely accountable for any action they took with the 'public' funds and quickly replaceable if they abused their power. There should also tool that very easily creates a competitor to this public council that people can fund as they see fit, so if a large enough portion of people thought topic 'X' was the most important thing needing to be fixed in the world, they could create a private fund that was dedicated to correcting 'X' and worked on a similar basis as the initial administrative council.

The core concept here is to give people access to useful information, give them an opportunity to transition to the free market economy as quickly or as slowly as they are comfortable doing, and also to give anyone willing to put in work and learn an opportunity to create a better life for themselves. The education portion of this platform would also serve as a way to inform people about existing free-market solutions that are available such as open-bazaar, steemit, etc. and monetary theory so anyone joining has the opportunity to really understand the foundation of why a voluntary society is needed and who to start participating in existing free-market solutions that are available.

My goal is to get people from the Permaculture community to become the first teachers in this new economy as they are already putting out the content. The definition I use for Permaculture is; 'The artistic science of keeping different forms of energy in right relationship with each other.' Using this definition, one could think of bitcoin as a permaculture solution to fixing the monetary system and the blockchain as a permaculture style solution to public records.

At this time, I am looking for feedback and ways to improve the organizational structure I describe above (and in future posts elaborating on specific portions of this idea). After I have enough details filled in, I will put out a request for proposals to build the website and to develop the educational credit system as well as for the content creators to begin organizing their material. The goal right now is to have everything up and running around spring of 2017 (more on the importance of this timing in a future post) so anyone wanting to participate can sign up and begin their own personal education process.

For now, I am all ears to anyone that would like to offer a critique or suggestion as to what they think about this idea.