in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

Super Cap
English | by @saracampero

Hello Dtube! This day I will teach you how to make this "Super Cap", easy and simple to develop, so I invite you to enjoy this funny series of steps, where children, youth and adults can develop their skills and get closer to artistic work .

What are they waiting for?

This technique of easy elaboration, allows to make all kinds of caps, hats and many other things, using economical materials and easy to get. Do not wait any longer and wear your own homemade cap.

"In moments of crisis, only imagination is more important than knowledge '(A. Einstein)"

Super Gorra
Español | by @saracampero

¡Hola Dtube! Este dia voy a eneseñarles como realizar esta "Super Gorra", ácil y sencilla de elaborar, así que los invito a disfrutar de esta divertidad serie de pasos, donde los niños, jovenes y adultos podran desarrollar sus habilidades y acercarse al trabajo artistìco.

¿Qué están esperando?

Esta técnica de fácil elaboración, permite realizar todo tipo de gorras, sombreros y muchas cosas mas, utilizando materiales economicos y faciles de conseguir. No esperes mas y luce tu propia gorra hecha en casa.

"En momentos de crisis sólo la imaginación es más importante que el conocimiento (A. Einstein)"





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Saudações, linda Sarinha campero

O chapéu é muito bonito. Eu estava pensando em fazer uma caneca para o dtube e uma camisa hehehe. Penso em colocar o logo do dtube nelas.

Sua idéia de chapéu foi bem criativa.

Agradeço a postagem e boa noite!!!!

Buenas noches amigos, gracias por apreciar mi gorra! yo tambien pense en hacerlo en una camiseta pero de una manera muy creativa. Luego lo veras! Saludos. Dios te bendiga amigo!

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Thanks for appreciating this work. I feel very happy!

@saracampero is lucky to get super cap from Dtube

really stoked on this video and for the love shown, I know it can't make up for the things you're going through, but hopefully can give you comfort knowing all the great people here pulling for you :) salude

Thank you for appreciating my cap dear @vladivostok, this super cool, you should try to make one for yourself, you can alternate the colors. God bless you and thank you very much. I hope you do not forget me!

:) I am trying to make a steemit tuxedo now, so i am figuring out how. maybe i should make a video ? Really happy you got such a great response with your video and of course I will not forget you :)

Would be great and very creative to see a video @vladivostok, on the elaboration of a tuxedo! Surely there will be many people who appreciate that talent, you should try... I do not forget friend thank you.

this is a great idea, have a member making the stamp and maybe he could make video's of his part too...make a cool video :)

Thanks friends! Greetings

Awesome hat!!!!!

Thanks dear friendl! God take care of you

O chapéu é muito bonito. Eu estava pensando em fazer uma caneca para o dtube e uma camisa hehehe. Penso em colocar o logo do dtube nelas.
Agradeço a postagem e boa noite!!!!

Excelente idea amigo, no dudes en hacerlo! Saludos!!

This is the most creative video on DTube I have ever seen (and I've watched thousands) so well done! I love the hat!

Hello dear @tanbay. It is nice to my knowledge that famous people appreciate my work. I'm glad that you like my video and above all my hat, this work was done with much love to all of you (dtubers and steamains). God bless you all. Successes...