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RE: Shifting Tides in Dtube Waters - @nathanmars - Thank You!

in #vlog6 years ago

Thanks Sergio!

To be honest with you since all this drama started I actually feel that the community feeling in here have reduced a lot.

What do you mean? I havent been here a week ago so I dont know how it was before but now it seems to be pretty fine.

Everyone isready to engage, or at least much more than they ever were before.

At least from what I can tell.


Yeah everyone is engaging with more people... But are they being honest or just doing it because they don't want to look bad.

I don't know.

I have mixed feelings with all this situation and that's why I have been a little bit on the outside and let the things roll.

I have been here for long enough and have some experience from other social media platforms to know that more and more people will be being picky and picking fights for the smaller stuff.

People won't ever be happy. 😪

Let's see where this is going to end. But I hope this change will bring some more good people to the community 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, thats true. The fakeness is real amongst some. Thats one thing I hate the most. Fake comments. Or even worse, fake nice comments.

Those can be seen from miles away.

Ive seen a couple dtubers who obviously are out to get that 7k delegate who just leave straight out impossibly nice commetns to everyone. No matter how shitty or excellent their content is.

I hate dishonest people and wish to see them stop posting their worthless comments on here.

There is only one way where this place and everyone on here is going. All the way up!


So maybe I should stop 100% leaving comments to be different. Since everyone now it is so on fire ehehehe

Posted using Partiko Android

hahahah na, that would just be counterproductive and you wouldnt wanna be that way, right?

I'm just hoping sooner than later people stop talking so much about content... And start actually bringing it to the table... Because this last couple of weeks have been too much of that.

Well I guess that was the trend lol and even if this is a decentralised place people will still be falling on the trending themes loops ehehehe

Just hope this one specific trend don't last too much longer cause I am over it before it even started eheheh

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