I Found Some Weird Spiders | Vlog #002

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum and Hi guys Ahmed RJn is here on dTube. And you guys watching my second vlog. My daily routine is almost the same, so I can not do anything special every day. That's why I have decided to create a awesome vlogs on every Friday. Friday is holiday in our country.

But] rest of the week I can’t just stop making videos. So I have decided that i’m gonna make vlog about the Internet World.
That’s why my first topic for today is “spiders”. Today I’m discuss with you guys about some strange spiders of the world. I found this topic on internet.

You must seen many spiders. But this kind of spiders are different. If these spiders bite you, then you are not gonna become a Spiderman, You could die after they bite you. So to be amazed watch my full video.

So on number 3 I have Silkhenge Spider. We can say it is world’s intelligent spider. I’m saying intelligent because it has some reason.
This spider lives in Africa, This spider creates a mesh around her eggs to save her children from other animals. So that no one can reach her child.
And in this way, she used to make many shelters, each shelter has only one egg.
No other animal in the world use this technique to save their eggs.

Let’s move on number 2 I have The Flic Flac Spider. Weird name!
This spider use his hole body to spin on the air to survive from other animals. Most of these spiders died when they try to spin on the air.
That’s why they have weird names.

At last we have on number 1 Mirror Spiders. This spiders can be found at Australia. There are some small mirror or glasses on their bodies. These spiders use to deceive their hunter through their bodies.
Because of this skin most of animal can’t find them. They can also change their skin colors. This Spider’s one bite can kill any living creature very fast. Sometimes wild hunter take their poison to hunt other animals.

That's all I have today for you guys. Sorry I’m making this video very short next time I’ll try to make a long video.. Comment me if you have anything to say. I hope you guys like my vlog. I will share more awesome videos on my vlog. So don’t forget to follow me.
And please Upvote me to help me make more videos.

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