On VIVA and TradeQwik - A Heart to Heart from Dawn - August 5, 2018
Did you know that according to a Bitcoinist article, 92% of blockchain projects have already failed; their average lifespan just over 1 year?
What VIVA and TradeQwik went through was terrible and inconvenient. What made it worse was that the majority of our supporters came from a small and tight-knit group of people on Steemit from which some of those relationships may never recover.
We were building a new paradigm; so many facets were possible within it. In our excitement, we took on too much at one time and failed in every way possible. It was a dreadful blow to everyone involved.

“Failure” allowed us to see all the mistakes that were possible and we did that spectacularly! Not to make light of anything, it's been a battle not to be in the 92 percentile. While going through the audit process, we've been recuperating, operating, developing and testing our vision on barely a shoestring budget. We've also learned from every single one of those mistakes.
Complete audit results are still pending. All 1227 customer accounts have been addressed, yet a few still require attention. Employee and partner accounts are currently being worked on, and are also winding to a close. There are still many people that have not responded to our final email, settlement is imminent, so please check your email.
Our legal counsel is addressing the special circumstances surrounding VIVA and TradeQwik, which formed around the time of the unfortunate arrest of Steve Morrey. While we cannot discuss pending litigation, we can address some of the critical changes in our infrastructure: the name change from VIVA to AVIV, as well as items which are ready to be deployed.
Today's letter is to inform you that the VIVA/AVIV project is far from dead! In the coming letters, we will be addressing the reasons behind our new name, our move to the Ethereum Network, the ERC-20 bridge tokens, AML/KYC, team leaders, new website, and a road map leading up to and beyond the Serenity fork.
As we re-emerge with true deliverables, our hope is to re-build confidence and support, and surpass expectations.
Thank you,
Dawn Parker-Waites
VIVA Holdings LLC
[email protected]

Email Issue
In an attempt to email our list of vivos and Crown Holders, our email campaign was not approved because they felt this content was against their updated Acceptable Use Policy, regardless of the fact that it was a pre-existing mail list. Several crypto-based projects are receiving the same problem with reaching their whitelist via email through common distribution services. We are actively searching for alternatives to this problem. Our temporary solution is to post our public messages on Steemit, Medium and LinkedIn

When are my investment dollars going to be returned to me? I verified my holdings/account balance several months ago yet everything seems to have stopped afterwards. I am owed not an insignificant amount...
What a load of rubbish. You forgot to mention the scam aspect of it all.
Drawing people into using an exchange which then just stole their money.
The creation of new and more useless tokens on said exchange designed to fleece people out of their money.
I dread to think how many TQS I purchased.
And no I didn't get an email.
This wasn't just an unfortunate failure. It was an orchestrated scam by Steve and sometimes it is hard to believe that those close to him. I.e you were neither complicit or dangerously negligent
Remember this, there was never even a Blockchain despite what people were told. Built on lies
Downvoted so as to not allow other people to be sucked into it
That's categorically untrue. You believe this because you got erroneous information early on from "insiders", who did their best to divert your attention from the facts and in most cases simply invented stories to suit their fancy. I was an easy scapegoat, but keep in mind that financially I remain personally liable. I've never shirked that, never denied it and never even attempted to cast it away. But I and others remained silent in order to allow the process to work instead of throwing around baseless allegations and so called "tell all insider stories". Do you really think I would be here now if this had ever been a scam? It was a project, there was a failure. It was systemic and critical and because we did not fully understand all the details of what was going wrong, efforts to fix it, made things worse. The failure was MUCH worse than initially thought and I own that failure. But we're going to recover from it and we'll be much stronger for it.
We are at the point now that we know the "what happened", and it's a matter of bring everyone back to the table to sort out "why did this happen" and "how do we move forward from this". I'm not even going to ask for apologies as long as each fiduciary does the minimum work required of them to return your funds to you. If they fail to do so, then I'll take care of you myself, as I always have. Later I'll see what options I have with them.
As I mentioned in my reply to the person posing as @tradeqwik, there were fiduciaries put into place once we recognized that funds were leaving that shouldn't be. Each fiduciary was given a wallet for a specific currency. Some have done well and not touched funds, others have used them for personal gain. Many of the people who spoke the loudest against us are the same people who originally stepped forward as fiduciaries to protect customer funds while we went over the process of determining what exactly happened. We are now examining their activities and determining what the best course forward is with them. I'll leave off finger pointing, because it doesn't matter it only detracts from the matter at hand. At the end of the day I'm the one liable for your funds and I'm the one who will get them back for you.
Yes there was, but any blockchain is only as good as its ability to keep consensus. Please see my reply to the person posing as @tradeqwik on the subject.
You should reach out to Meredith and Sherry.
I'm replying to your comment about TQS in a seperate reply since @tqnext and the issues you bring up here are separate things.
When will my funds be returned to me. I have verified my account balance several months ago yet I have seen nothing since. I have a not so insignificant amount in there...
@meesterboom If you want to be able to recover your funds, you need to stop downvoting every reply to you, merely because it's contradicting your pre-conceived notions, no matter where you got them from.
We are trying to communicate the path forward to you and to all customers. This path forward includes returning customer funds and making you whole again.
If you downvote and actively interfere with the efforts then this is an indication to me that you'd like to be put at the back of the line.
Notice that I am not retaliating with downvotes of my own. This is because I recognize that you feel hurt, scared and angry. It is not my place to apologize here for what you've been through. But I'm going to anyways. It's been a scary year, I accept fault for my part in it, but you've never really heard what my part is, only rumors and accusations that literally run the gamut.
But we are now where we need the community to have the information we've learned and if you prevent dissemination of this information, then you are preventing others from recovering their funds and that means we need to expend even more effort to track them down and get them set to rights.
As was mentioned above, mass emailing doesn't work anymore. So steemit is what we've got.
We aren't asking ANYONE to put more money in. We're explaining how we're going to get you what's owed to you.
So please stop with the pointless retaliatory flags.
Hey William as far as the emails go couldn't you just use some sort of app or something to send mass emails?
You could simply sign up for another email account with another provider and then send the emails out in segmented quantities...maybe 5-10.
Maybe you could reach out to the audit team or some of us on steemit to help send these emails out to people.
Just some suggestions
TQS are now officially part of @tqnext I'll be giving details on it soon so to stay in the loop on that, you should follow @tqnext. Current status is that the backend is ready for launch, I need to find some good front end talent to make it usable. TQS will be a requirement to setup a worker node for tqnext. Worker nodes earn the trading fees because @tqnext is 100% decentralized with no funds kept in wallets nor in databases. We learned some hard lessons about that from this collapse.
If you're really interested in the value of your TQS, I invite you to participate in the testnet burn in period before we move to main. I'll give details shortly, I just need to finish up the official announcement and run it by the others so they aren't caught out in left field.
You have to start with publishing amount of funds deposited on Tradeqwik exchange vs amount of funds available and specify actions you've made in order to track the missing funds.
There's no way around.
If @vivacoin were really trying to help and be honest, as with any other blockchain project, there would be transparency. That is something that was never shared nor it ever will for obvious reasons. The blockchain is all about honesty and even though Steven claimed to have one, there wasn't. Dawn Parker-Waites was the most unprofessional person to work with. Lashing out at her partners, unable to control her emotions, and unwilling to admit that she could not fill the role. On top of that, her claim that "it's not about the money, it's about helping people" was a load of BS as we all now know. We as a community have no choice but to question every single one of her actions alongside Steven Morrey's. All we want are transparency reports being uploaded. We want evidence of the audit. I think we deserve it. Doing otherwise only shows that there is something to be hidden, and well, we all know what that is. But let us remember that karma will take care of itself, and there are at least 11 hells to end up in.
The site steemit.com is ranked quite good by search engines, so for everyone who wants to check background of Glenna Dawn Parker this information will be available easily.

But I bet there's a bit more than just reputation at stake for her here.
I can see in the records that Viva Holdings LLC have submitted its annual tax report on
May 1 2018
I would be very much surprised if VHL did report all the money it got from the ICO as "profits".
It wouldn't need to. The state of Wyoming only taxes profits generated from in state activities, this is the reason WHY we chose Wyoming. You need to examine the federal income tax report. If you'd like we can probably post that in the next few days.
Yes, please do that. I think I'm not the only one interested to look into.
Since I'm not familiar with US laws, could you also enlighten me why VHL did not formally reported the insolvency issue (bankruptcy) to the authorities ?
See our next post for that @svamiva. I think for any individual account, they will be glad to make your account history including all deposits, all withdrawals, all trades and also the final audit data public if you ask for it to be released for transparency purposes.
edited because I heard back from an auditor that I'm rolling on old info, @svamiva your account is evidently good and you don't owe. My bad, not joking when I say I'm hands off and was quoting an earlier report.
For transparency purposes I would like to see published the data of every VHL employee and partner accounts, including yours. You are free to publish my acc data as well if you think it would make any point.
You're from Europe right? You have stronger legal privacy protections than here in the USA.
Since you've agreed to release yours, I'll ask the auditors to publish it with a walk through so folks can see what's involved.
Weak though they may be, there are still laws in the USA governing confidentiality of employee records. Partners are considered employees for all intents and purposes.
If you can convince any of them to agree to sign a release for it, then that can be done, otherwise it would be subject to employer privacy protections and your desire to know who did what and when, doesn't factor into our legal obligation to protect privacy, sorry.
I'll agree to release mine when it's done.
That's a poor excuse for anyone having Steemit experience. The whole point of a project which wants to call itself a "blockchain project" is to make these things transparent.
Like of course Steemit inc CEO Ned Scott for example might be too shy to admit he is behind the account @ned, but the information on https://steemit.com/@ned/transfers would remain visible for everyone in any case.
I'm not asking for names and adresses, what I want to see is just the whole list of accounts, that used to get their daily 24 viva and their records
That's why I've mentioned bankruptcy in the first instance. As a creditor I might get pennies for $, but at least I would know then where the rest of the money went.
Your desire to keep information "who did what and when" private only indicates there is something to hide.
Reserve comment until a possible in person full review of these matters or just better proven results.
Leaving a comment to show I have read something here
Think mistakes may still being made. Shall see what is proven...
Which reminds me we need to talk about vgx and the other VIAs. Those are in the works, wondering if you'd like to be fiduciary on that since it was literally your own token. Saw your email this morning regarding testing, I'm preparing a generalized memo, but vgx is kind of unique. You're going to need some tools.
Well this looks like another nice dose of drama. I wouldn't really expect you Steve to come back, but it is what it is. The whole situation is very unfortunate, but I still think @instructor2121 is one of the biggest scumbags here as he is using recovered STEEM assets from tradeqwik to only help himself and his crew. For more information about it check this post - https://steemit.com/instructor2121/@eirik/instructor2121-was-and-still-is-a-scumbag
Uhmmm... I thought Viva coin is dead. Longtime I don't visit tradequwik
Posted using Partiko Android
Not dead, not sleeping. Just busy and down to a tiny handful of people who have been working tirelessly to sort out the problems.
Do you plan to transfer crowns and viva coins from the former tradeqwik accounts to the next new aviv exchange ?
Yes and no. The new exchange is @tqnext on here and you can follow it for details. You will be given your VIVA assets as the new AVIV assets. We had to change the name because during development a company in Saudi Arabia managed to secure a global trademark on the name VIVA and specifically viva cash in relation to financial services and money transfers. Other than the name, nothing else has changed.
You'll get a wallet, your Tokens will be deposited there. They are constructed in a manner to make it easy for any exchange to permit trading of the tokens. @tqnext will be able to trade them directly at launch, you don't transfer to the exchange per se, you merely grant the exchange permission to access. @tqnext is completely decentralized and the back end is ready for launch which is why I'm even bothering to be on steemit today at all. I'll setup a github and get the code up as quickly as possible.
I'm going to need a new whitepaper to discuss this design change, but from your POV they will be much easier to use.
Nice to hear from you !
Thank you! I really appreciate that. Kind words seem so rare now days. I'm glad to hear some.
I have to admit that I was not expecting this. I really hope that things go better this time. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
The truth is not in what's said, but in what's delivered.
After all is said and done, only @anotherjoe continues to hold funds with integrity, in spite of Viva having embezzled 55 BTC, BCH and BTG of his funds from TQ earmarked for development.