About to fall before the first step 2

in #virtualreality8 years ago (edited)

August 30, 2017

To whom it may concern,

Well, today I got no call whatsoever and to top things off I messed up this time and added a little bit more trouble to my plate. This morning the insurance for my car was taken out of my bank account but I forgot to transfer money into my main account from an Interac e-transfer and the payment was returned with an NSF fee of $48 ... yay! So, I called my insurance broker for my vehicle and he said that since I missed the monthly down payment I will have to wait for them to send me a notice of which I will most likely have to pay the rest in full. However, since I was at the end of my policy date for renewal I only have a few hundred dollars left to pay, but I probably won't be offered a down payment plan again from my insurer because I missed a monthly payment of which I missed 1 already previously by one day (sigh).

On a different note, I never realized signage is so expensive especially for a 1 foot by 4 foot sign. I'm trying to get a good deal for a sign that is 2 feet by 6 or 2 feet by 8 feet but the price always comes back at around $1000 - $1200 and I don't have that kind of money either. The most money I can spare right now for a sign is around $500 - $600 with tax included of which is being held by a family member until I find a decent price, if at all. That $600 was the original amount set aside for a sign from the beginning and I had a place to do it too but then they went out of business (more yay!). I have a feeling that I may be taken to court soon by the land lord and my leaser because I was given 60 days from July 1st to get a sign up by then and to have the lease payment ready by the 1st of Sept, man I'm screwed and I don't know what to do. I tried everything to get money for the lease and the sign and everything was working against me such as the insurer for the business taking a really long time in finding me a policy and the business center taking so long for inspectors to call in order to approve me for business. It actually makes me wonder if it was all deliberately done by the lady at the insurance company and the other lady at the business center... probably not but then again I am First Nations and a lot of people in Canada despise us while others are curious about our culture and accept us. I just wish Canada had more people who accepted us.

Anyways, that's the news for today with no call for inspection or calls for business either. I'm going to continue in setting up more ads around the city in the hopes that I get business flowing in. I just hope that they don't take me to court otherwise it is truly game over not only for my business but for me as well. By the way, here's 2 pictures, the first one is of the place that I'm trying to get the business license for and the other is just another store on the same lot. You see on the second pic I'm trying to get a sign that size but the signage companies want me to get a big sign as seen in the first pic but I can't afford it. They're not making matters any easier either because whenever I state that I need a small sign for now they rise the price for the delivery and installation and I say to them "You can't do that!", and "I can only afford a small sign!". They then either tell me, in the most polite way that they can, they have to in order to make a profit or to take my business elsewhere. Sometimes I wish that I just stayed on the reservation, or that I wasn't First Nations at all. That's all for today, let's see what happens tomorrow. I'll be in touch!

