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RE: Haejin predictions summary

in #vincentb7 years ago (edited)

Just kidding.

This is a really great idea. I hope you keep this up!
This needed to be done, and you should consider continuing to post these. Right now, while the market volume is low, is a great time to start posting summaries. Once things really pick up you would have generated enough community awareness to be the go-to for consolidating and reviewing TA predictions.
There are a few other guys similar to @haejin that might be worth the same treatment, thus allowing for comparison of their respective accuracy.
-Just a thought. Good luck to you!


Which of thosee do you think are worth? I have a hard time looking for decent ones!

Well, my personal stance is to stand back and wait for the market to start improving again, and that's because I'm locked up in coins that have lost value. I'm out of fiat and I don't want to add any more to my trading account.
Also I'm not confident that Haejin's calls are going to see too much upward momentum due to the current correction. Some may, but it's hard for me to gauge which. I'm locked up in ADA, OAX, and especially XVG and XLM.
I'm okay with being stuck. I'm learning in the meantime. With the exception of OAX I'm expecting to hold these for a while.

For you, now is a great time to improve your spreadsheet with the date of Haejin's post along with the price of the coin at that time. And keep updating and occasionally post links to your updates in his threads. It would be a very valuable service for his readers, of which there are many.