My Dream SciFi Film

in #vincentb7 years ago (edited)


If I were given the opportunity to shoot a movie with a $100,000,000 budget, I would have to tell the story of Annu and Enki, the ancient Sumerian Gods who created the great laboratory Eden, located in present day Iraq on planet Earth. This story has been told in pieces throughout Hollywood history, but I have yet to see the story told on the level in which I want to tell it. Imagine that everything you know about God and the Devil, Good and Evil, light and dark, and science and history were simply inverted from the absolute truth to keep you docile and ignorant. What if there was once a being that wanted you to have all the knowledge of the universe, just like it did, but others of that beings race only wanted to enslave you, wanted you to remain forever ignorant, unconscious of the universe around you, this is the story of Enki’s Laboratory.

This movie would have stars Gerard Butler, Frank Kessler, Toby Stephens and Cate Blanchett. Gerard Butler would play the part of Enki, the Scientist who fell to Earth. Frank Kessler would play the part of Annu, a being of pure knowledge and curiosity. Toby Stephens would play the voice of planet Tiamat, and Cate Blanchett would play the part of Marduk.


The setting would take place briefly in dark space, telling the story of how the characters came about, and would resume on a young earth, filled with odd creatures, mammal bird and reptile. The scenes would span from the lush gardens of Enki’s Eden, to the plains of Africa. Vivid imagery of nature in its purest form from Annu’s perspective, and the mission to create from Enki’s perspective.

Enki’s Laboratory is a story of beings born out of pure consciousness, without physical form for eons in the deepest blackest reaches of space. These beings were called the Archons, and they shared a singular consciousness with the entire universe. The Archons grew to become creators, not by design, but as a residual effect caused by their shared mind, the God Mind. Out of this God Mind came the manifestations of matter in the form of planets, their first physical form, and later they gained the ability to separate their singular consciousness by inhabiting planets as they formed in the darkness. One of these planets was the planet Marduk, a volatile volcanic planet filled with fire and gas. This planet contained a consciousness like no other in the universe, Marduk was aware of its own singular existence, and pushed itself through space calling out for another singular consciousness. The call was so powerful, that the vibrations rang across the universe and spawned other conscious beings within newly formed planets to respond and seek her out. Marduk’s calls through space created great vibrations that manifested into millions of planets, one of those planets was Earth.

Planet Earth was very different than the other manifestations spawned by Marduk’s vibrations, because it did not contain a single conscious mind within it, Earth had living creatures, vessels, each containing their own life force and living symbiotically with the planet. Marduk was intrigued by Earth, and continued to call out for more conscious planets like herself until Tiamat finally found her. Tiamat was the exact opposite of Marduk, he was a planet made entirely of salinized water and vapor, and he was thousands of years younger than Marduk. Together they sought out a plan to enter this strange planet we call Earth, and over many any thousands of years created a way to move their consciousness minds to Earth, but only for short periods of time. This only made Marduk more curious, and pushed her to manifest 2 physical beings, which rose from the fire of her skin. At the moment of their birth, Marduk struck the Earth almost

destroying it, only to plant her offspring on its surface. Tiamat followed Marduk closely, so close that his waters were pulled into Earth’s atmosphere. These to beings were Annu and Enki, born of pure universal knowledge only to learn of a way to free their mother Marduk.


Enki fell to what we know as modern day Iraq, While Annu fell to what we know as modern day South Africa. The two began to experiment almost immediately, using their innate knowledge of all things, to create a vessel for their mother Marduk, who at this point was orbiting the planet and closely followed by her counterpart Tiamat. It took Enki 750,000 years to perfect his mother’s vessel, and he called it the Adomo. During this time, Annu was roaming the planet, and spending much of his time communicating with the existing life there, something his brother Enki despised. Enki considered Earth his Laboratory, and only wished to succeed in creating the vessel for his mother’s consciousness, but Annu wanted to enjoy the beauty of Earth without disturbing its existing species.


After many failed experiments, Enki finally finished the Adomo, and was nearly ready to present it to Marduk, but Annu thought that Enki’s Adomo should have its own awareness as they did, and wanted to share his consciousness with it. This angered Enki, so much so that he convinced Marduk and Tiamat to allow him to bind Annu to the planet for eternity. Annu was humiliated, and moved to the center of the Earth while Enki continued his experiments, but what Enki didn’t know, was that Annu had taken on of Enki’s failed experiments and given it a piece of his consciousness, he called it Lilith. And she became the first human on Earth.

I hope you enjoyed my story. Please comment if you too are interested in this subject.

Thank you for reading!