Are ICO's a good investment?
I've been sharing here in this platform some of my experiences as a new investor in the cryptocurrencies world. Trading, mining and posting on steemit seem to me (up until now) the best ways in which I can make my still modest investments grow.
However I'm now focusing my attention in trying to learn more about this other type of investment: ICOs.
I know that ICOs are a way of crowdfunding accomplished by issuing a new kind of coin or token. That coin may have some purpose on it's own or it could simply serve as a token representing a "share" in the project.
And I have also noticed how many of these have given amazing returns to their investors, just as much as I've seen many scams in the form of ICO's have come to light.
I have found so much information out there about many active ICO's that I've been wondering how to filter it. What should be considered a good source of information about this? I know that some of the people that have earned my respect in this world can give some valuable info about it every now and then and I know that nobody is going to make the work for me in terms of reading about every interesting project's white paper and road map. That's my homework.
But I would like to know about some sites that can give me information about new, current and past ICOs. Preferably, after having left out some of the most faulty projects.
What do you know about this? Have you invested already in your first ICO
Please share your experience
Sure they are as long as you can find the needle in the haystack!😁
Try searching for ICO on Reddit, there is a good ICO subreddit there I think called icocrypto
bitcointalk also has some good (and bad) commentary is a great site to find high quality ICOs, especially the ones in gold at the top. I have serious gains on every ICO I've ever invested in, so I would say it's a pretty damn good investment as long as you do your due diligence.
Is just had a look at Man, there are sooo many ICO's and more and more coming out everyday. It's hard to see how all of them will survive long term with so much competition for the same space in many cases.
I'm new on here but thanks a ton for the info. All my crypto currency is tronx at the moment and need to change up
Tron is pretty much a pump and dump.
There are some red flags on that project. Even their white paper is plagiarized. You should look more into it before deciding if you want to keep your there
Thank you so much
People love to brag when they make money from ICOs but we rarely see how many people lose money. A lot of ICOs are rorts based on the price release structure. Eg, pre ICO price if 60% of the launch price.
Normally it will be the developers who unload a sizable share of their holdings at launch to cover their bases and if things don't go as planned in the first few months for them, they focus their attention to a new project and new ICO. Due to the poor communication and lack of regulation, though, the rest of the market don't see this for several months after when the development really lags and the market catches on.
It would be great to see how many failed projects the team have been involved in before buying into an ICO because the reality is they will keep rolling through projects until they hit that one big world changer.
over the half of my invests are very positive. not so strong because i had not enough fiat :( but my experience with ico´s are very succesfully

good luck and much success continues
I think that is can be extremely risky investing in ICOs. Of course, more risk comes more reward. However, I find it sometimes more fruitful to invest after the ICO and see the price action for a day on the exchange. Then I might wait a coupe of days of weeks to see it bottom out. But if you really believe in their project and you've done all your research, and can see yourself holding that coin or token for a long time, then I would totally buy as soon as you can. It does take time to create that conviction and get into the nitty gritty with the research.
Here's an example of some fundamental research that I've done for a token that I completely believe in:
Thanks for the info. I’m new to the investment world. I’m learning tons of things pertaining to business start up investing. RegulationA+ is a positive.
I have made a lot of money of ICO's which I shall be talking about here. I have lost a lot of money on ICO's , which like all gamblers, I shall not be talking about here. Yes they are a gamble. However they are a way for micro investors to make serious returns. Men of my means don't have access to stock brokers and share markets, so they are a great opportunity to invest with just a little ethereum. I look for 3 things when investing in an ICO .....1. Concept: Is the idea stong, will it work? 2. Team: Who is behind it. What successful projects are involved with. What is there reputation. 3. Transparancy: Where are the funds held, what is the escrow contract. ICO s to watch at the minute are Storiqa for online commerce, Iungo for decentalised VPN and wifi and ATFS for smart farming.....guys, that's just what i'm doing, i'm not giving financial advice
I really like this post. Thanks for your honesty
Hi. I am also a newbie in terms of ICOs. I invested my money to loyalcoin a month ago. Why? It's because I trust the guys behind the ICO. They have a great reputation in my country. So I decide to join the ICO. But, I suggest before we invest our money to ICO, we need to research first the background of the company or atleast read the white paper.
ICO are good investment you just need to be on the right one. and and are 2of the webistes that list ico. You might also want to listen to boxmining ans suppoman on youtube for their ico recommendations.