Sunday Digimon Stream because I feel like it!
Category: gaming
Sub-category: Digimon World
Click here to watch the live stream!
After Thursday's successful Digimon World stream, I figured it would be a good idea to Stream some more of the game! I mean, why not? It's a Sunday afternoon, I'm feeling lazy, let's do something about it! We just unlocked Andromon, and then my game crashed while trying to enter Trash Mountain. We'll have to go back and re-recruit Elecmon, Patamon, and Drimogemon, but that's easy enough to do. We've got an ultimate digimon! And a powerful one, too!
I'm starting a new thing on my streams, in an attempt to get some more dialogue with my viewers. So today, I'm asking a question: What's your favorite lazy Sunday activity? If you're in the stream, drop your answer into stream chat. Let's talk about it! If you're catching this after the fact, drop it in a comment below! Let's chat, let's get to know each other better, let's have some fun!
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This post was generated from a live stream on