Viewly ICO - Smart choice for smart investors

in #viewly7 years ago

"Viewly is a next generation video platform, leveraging new technology for a design that better serves both viewers and creators."

The problem

Demonetization and maker abuse

Most makers battle to fabricate and maintain adequate advertisement income, getting just a little part of the esteem they make. Also, regardless of whether they do figure out how to manufacture a critical after, makers remain perpetually helpless before the stage on which their work is facilitated which can demonetize their substance overnight because of entirely self-assertive choices. All of a sudden, makers can discover their salary sliced or destroyed.
YouTube as of late (Jan 2018) changed their qualification limits for adaptation, giving influenced channels only 30 days to outperform the new levels or be demonetized. Under the new guidelines, just channels with over 4,000 hours of watchtime inside the previous a year andmore than 1,000 supporters are qualified for adaptation.
Viewly takes just a representative cut from maker profit and does not demonetize.

Pesky advertisements

No one truly loves watching advertisements. Their generation has turned into a compelling artwork in itself just to get our consideration. Be that as it may, where there's a decision, crowds will skip them. Advertisement based stages divert us and advance orgy watching with a specific end goal to build their income. Watcher experience and protection are bargained for the stage's advertisement based model.
There are no official details on click‐through rates (CTR) of video promotions on stages, for example, YouTube, however evaluates extend from only 1 to 3% . This is a to a great degree high cost to pay by watchers all in all.
Viewly doesn't serve promotions. Viewly intends to be without promotion, evacuating motivators to track clients and control consideration. Rather, important engagement and group working amongst makers and fans is encouraged.

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Expensive substance conveyance

The essential cost of present video stages is worldwide substance conveyance, which is unjustifiably passed on to makers. Under this model, makers pay facilitating and capacity for all the substance, including content not making esteem. This model of concentrated vaults for content now appears to be obsolete in an inexorably decentralized and organized world.
Viewly not just diminishes cost of video conveyance by utilizing a shared substance conveyance organize, yet in addition empowers clients to procure VIEW tokens by utilizing their excess assets and facilitating recordings.

Advertising income above everything else

Under the present framework, extraordinary inventiveness has been set to work to create machine learning calculations to control gathering of people consideration and amplify advertisement incomes. While publicizing income is enhanced, seeing background is relinquished. Snap lure is utilized to control the gathering of people into devouring more substance than their normal intrigue would manage, so as more promotions can be expended. This causes a weight upon content creation to speak to most reduced shared element intrigues that catch the most consideration.
There is less open door for more profound disclosure, group building and holding with the gathering of people.
Watchers are being pushed around and force‐fed substance to be immediately expended. Orgy content utilization is advanced and quality substance makers are dealt with as a ware.
Viewly adapts without promoting, in a path synchronized with the interests of content makers and their watchers – however differing, for crowds of any size. They utilize nuanced machine discovering that obliges the genuine interests of viewers.+Poor engagement amongst makers and fans as of now said, the drive to boost ad‐revenue comes at an incredible cost. One strategy for stupefying of substance happens by means of the abuse of the dopamine remunerate circuit of the human cerebrum. The quick conveyance of assorted curiosity triggers dopamine discharge, which expands add up to time spent on the stage and eventually promotion impressions and snaps.
Such stages utilize insidious creativity to adequately hack human powerlessness and keep consideration secured for whatever length of time that conceivable. They are presently learning of the individual and social cost of this capturing of consideration. Clients are griping of developing disappointment close by with online networking compulsion they all things considered can't break. Architects who planned these instruments are breaking rank to remorsefully talk about outlining such exploitative frameworks. For makers with a more extensive extent of desire, such techniques are likewise a poor establishment for the working of groups around their work.
Grievances additionally flourish around the nature of remarking frameworks on set up stages.
They conjecture that their remarking frameworks might be insufficient intentionally. All things considered, time invested in talk implies less energy expending promotions. Halting to take an interest in exchange will likewise break a video fling, and again this implies less promotion utilization.
Current remarking frameworks don't give a simple or steady method for building a group for makers. This makes it hard to recognize honest to goodness and dynamic fans. From the gathering of people's side, fans can't expand their notoriety, on the grounds that their profitable remarks are hosed by arbitrary site connections and spam.
With Viewly, every maker has a stage to fabricate their group. Their model fortifies the advancement of substance with genuine quality and significant group connections. The Viewly monetary model flourishes with positive group building.

Mass‐market inclination

Ad‐supported stages are just a reasonable answer for makers who focus on a mass‐consumer advertise, comparing to just the most well known 5‐10% of YouTube makers bringing home the bacon. A significant number of the other 90-95% of makers deliver profoundly esteemed work, yet an excessive number of fall foul of the present framework and pass up a major opportunity.
An exceedingly vast extent of promoting income is taken by go betweens – the video stages, advertisement and substance systems. For instance, YouTube takes a weighty 45% cut of advertisement income earned by content. Makers with close economical medium‐sized gatherings of people are boosted to create more mass‐market situated substance. While this may work for specific sorts of substance, it tends to boost bring down quality creation.
Viewly's video adaptation models are particularly suited to specialty and quality content makers with medium to little measured gatherings of people, which generally miss out on promotion based heritage stages.

Rampant promotion extortion

Different free reports appraise that promotion misrepresentation (publicizing income earned by means of utilization of botnets that "watch" recordings and snap advertisements) is as high as half, costing organizations billions of dollars. Obviously, promoting stages by and large don't freely reveal the degree of the misrepresentation. Advertisement extortion is an extraordinarily difficult issue to tackle as discovery innovation endeavors to outfox regularly developing misrepresentation innovation. Furthermore, taking care of the issue tends not to be a high need of the stages as it would profoundly undermine their incomes.
Viewly's cutting edge way to deal with content adaptation dodges this issue. The open door now exists to pioneer new ways to deal with online esteem creation.

Flawed publicizing based model

As can be seen, the promotion based model is profoundly dangerous and dated. Unified stages that utilization it accumulate the power and are capable subordinate all to the amplification of ad‐revenue. This unequal framework serves these stages to the detriment of watchers, makers and even publicists. As motivating forces in the publicizing model are innately misaligned, when a stage streamlines for promotion incomes, every single other partner lose:
-Viewers meet with advertisers
-Quality of content suffers
-makers get just a small amount of income from the esteem they make,
-publicists lose because of wasteful aspects in reach and advertisement extortion.

Why choose Viewly

Direct bolster

Viewly gives vote-based tipping, repeating installments from fans and business-supported supports. The majority of the income moves through the blockchain, secure and safe from mediators. Makers can begin gaining immediately, as long as they convey an incentive to their gathering of people.
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Viewly means to be sans promotion, evacuating the motivating forces to track clients or control their consideration. It encourages engagement and allows makers to assemble a group of fans and draw in with them in a more important manner.

Viewly lessens cost of video conveyance by utilizing a distributed substance conveyance arrange. It is a decentralized system that clients can join to procure VIEW tokens by utilizing their repetitive assets and facilitating recordings.

Why blockchain?

Trustless, moment installments

Most stages go about as a mediator, controlling the income and passing it on to makers weeks after it is produced. Makers have no alternative yet to believe them with their cash, and trust they work together to the greatest advantage of the group. Viewly's adaptation is decentralized, fueled by blockchain and savvy contracts. Installments are executed specifically between supporting fans or organizations, and makers. They are moment, trustless and permissionless. Viewly clients are dependably responsible for their cash.
Content appropriation impetuses

Viewly utilizes VIEW tokens to boost individuals with additional capacity and data transfer capacity ability to partake in Viewly shared substance conveyance arrange (P2P CDN). By running Viewly hubs that host and stream recordings, anybody can use his or her excess assets and get compensated with VIEWLY tokens.
Treasury-supported group ventures

Viewly saves an offer of VIEWLY tokens for group ventures, giving chances to group individuals to get associated with promoting, improvement or support of the stage. After an undertaking proposition is presented, a straightforward, on-chain voting chooses which ventures get the green light. Anybody holding VIEWLY tokens will have the capacity to take an interest in the voting procedure and help Viewly develop the correct way.
Decentralized self-governing association

Viewly's long haul objective is to develop into an undeniable DAO. Both decentralized innovation and administration forms are still under substantial advancement and experimentation. As we need to get to the market as quickly as time permits, we will present decentralized stage layers bit by bit. Beginning with content adaptation layer and proceeding with P2P CDN, both sponsored by VIEWLY token. Last stage will move the hierarchical structure into DAO with treasury, on-chain administration and center group and also group laborers utilized through the blockchain.


These are our perspectives and desires on how the stage would utilize VIEWLY token. VIEWLY token will be utilized as an installment system. Partners, watchers and substance makers, should hold certain measures of tokens to guarantee access to certain stage functionalities.
VIEWLY Token Utility

As of now said before, there are a few adaptation instruments in get ready for content makers. Notwithstanding the adaptation system supported by the individual substance maker, he will get the installment in VIEWLY tokens.
Then again, content makers will utilize some of their VIEWLY tokens to pay CDNs for their administrations.
The stage will require the CDNs to keep some VIEW tokens as a store to guarantee the nature of administrations. Thus, content makers should keep some measure of tokens relative to the quantity of their recordings ( VIEWLY tokens for each video) and watchers will require some amountof tokens in the event that they need to effectively partake, as upvote recordings..
Token Sales

Half of the tokens are accessible available to be purchased. 10% of the tokens have just been sold in the seed deal in October of 2017. 30% of the tokens are to be sold in the principle token deal (February 2018). The staying 10% are held for future deals.



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sign: luongtanloc1997


nice review, this project very promise, i will join it

ok! thank you... this project is very promise.