Introducing Viewly Alpha

in #viewly8 years ago (edited)

The response to our last week's Viewly Uploader announcement has been amazing. People have been uploading all kinds of videos, and sharing them with the community trough posts, for example here and here.

Unfortunately, there was no easy way to find all the videos that people are publishing, which is why we built Viewly Alpha.

Viewly Alpha

This app, aptly named Alpha is a very early prototype of a video explorer.
Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 8.13.52 PM.png


You can now embed Viewly videos on your website, trough a simple iframe.

For example:

    width="853" height="480"
    frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

Edit: The above code seems to break the Steemit editor, see the correct embed code here.

New Nodes

We now have 3 nodes in Europe, and 1 node in US. People in our Telegram group have been offering to donate more nodes in various geographic regions, which will improve the storage capacity as well as streaming speeds for users worldwide.

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This is so amazing. Do you guys want to come on The Cryptoverse and talk about this project?

Great that you offer this! WE need more great publicity like this about STEEM.

Yes! Do EEEET.

awesome, I have to learn to upload some files there, is it worth storing data, I have some recordings I'd rather not delete again :|

Great work, also I was meaning to ask you why is your glorious avatar removed from the viewly team page :D

and sincerely thank you for making this finally a working solution :)

YAAAY it's awesome, last day I was going around wondering when this will happen :) well now we have a steem-tube cough cough

I'm rarely excited, well most of the time :D turns out there is lots of time hovering around.

For a final time Thank You Very Much :) and Congrats to the team, keep it up!!!

Can you embed here on a comment a video example and copy/paste the script for us to see? Because I don't figured out yet :) Thanks! does not support embedding of external content (likely for security reasons, as your private keys are a target to hackers).

Great stuff!

Why does embedding not work with the video tag? Is it because you're using MediaSource extensions or something? Why does youtube/vimeo embedding work ok?

I dunno but @furion says that the videos are embeddable, but has to whitelist Viewly first.

So is there any criteria for whitelisting a website on Steemit?

That sounds positive, and should be pretty straightforward if so then!

Let's hope for the best and may it happen sooner than later!

Steemit support YouTube and Soundcloud iframes. It does not support Mixcloud I found out. As well as it doesn't support Viewly :( Didn't try other external content services so far.

viewly is pretty new although it's been in the works for quite a while, I'm wondering why a update isn't just patched in for it.

A big question for me as well, since it cannot be simply 3rd party content not enabled through iframes because of security, since then YouTube and Soundcloud would also need to be disabled.

they are probably whitelisted and integrated. It's a matter of web-design back end probably the Steemit Inc. team has the site :)

Excellent! Resteemed. This will definitely revolutionize the market.
YouTube: be prepared!! :)

I will start using the embedding in my next vlog.

I have tried many times but I was unable to log in with the Viewly app. It'always show some error each time I try to login either with Instagram, twitter or facebook account. Is there any bug in that app? I really want to about this. I am highlyexcited for viewly. Reply me @furion

it's probably the alpha, I haven't tried it still, I will give it a week, although I can see there are many videos being uploaded already.

Thanks for the update. Looks great so far. I was curious about something: In theory, if these videos are stored on the Steem blockchain, could they be accessed by any site also on the blockchain too, such as Steemit? In other words, if Steemit supported it and your team was okay with it, could there be a direct video viewer on Steemit that would allow you to see the videos on viewly?

I wan't to clarify that I am not trying to imply that an external site would be bad, just curious if Steem powered sites could be directly integrated with eachother as they share the same blockchain.

Any site can embed and play these videos, regardless of the blockchain or lack thereof.

Fantastic work, video is one great factor that will speed up the success of STEEM.

I love this project, and am amazed at how far along it already is.

I am located in New Zealand (the total and utter bottom of the world short of the South Pole) and would be happy to run a full node here. I can build the server to suit.

Its just amazing furion to see that progress, and it didn't take much time also.

Great !