Local home-made warning sign badly backfires

in #vietnam2 months ago

It doesn't happen often but sometimes the people who live in a certain place decide to make up their own laws, make a sign, and then expect people to believe that it is some sort of official statement that has actual repercussion for anyone that violates it. One of the main ones here in Da Nang is when people put up "no parking" signs for their business or just to hold their own parking place for themselves. It is kind of up to the person with the car about whether or not they are going to actually observe this. It's not an official city policy so unless said person is really afraid of confrontation, then they can park there if they damn well please.

Not all signs are directed at traffic though and while I may have posted this before I have some more information to add to it and how it has progressed.


Just like anywhere in Vietnam, or Da Nang at least. There are a ton of construction sites that they do like half of the work and then for reasons unexplained they walk away on the project and it just sits there for months or perhaps years. This particular place appears to have been a karaoke place of some sort in the past long before I moved here, but now it is, and has been, nothing at all.

There are quite a few people that have dogs here and dogs kind of do their business where the mood strikes them. Nadi (my dog) is a polite pooper but when it comes to how the rivers flow it is more of a case of spreading that stuff as far and wide as possible. Once this sign was put up on this property though, and after talking to a few of the people that have dogs in the neighborhood I found out that specifically because of this kind of a jerk-ish sign that someone put up, that there has been a joined effort to insure that their dogs actually do use the bathroom here, not the other way around.


So there is Nadi, sniffing out the area and deciding if this place is the right one for her.

Dogs tend to want to pee pee over the pee pee of other dogs. It's a territorial thing and basically every dog does it. This is why you always see dogs peeing on lightposts and fire hydrants. It doesn't take very long for Nadi to find a place in this "no dog urination area" that appeals to her and thanks to my ninja-like reflexes and camera-phone that would make National Geographic swoon, I was able to capture the exact moment that she made a choice.


So I guess you could say that I'm doing my part! in retaliation towards whoever put this silly ass sign up.

Look at the land around this thing. It's not like it is nice and needs to be kept that way. It's an abandoned building so what could the purpose possibly be for attempting to convince people to not let their dogs use the bathroom there? If it was a cafe or restaurant or something I would understand and I think that most people with pets would never allow their animal to relieve themselves in that sort of place anyway. But this is an abandoned lot and it just shows some level of arrogance or perhaps hatred for pets that someone would have the gall to put up a sign like this in the first place.

There are four roaming dogs in our neighborhood by the way and as far as I know neither of them can read and since there is some grass and dirt here it seems to me like this would be one of the areas that dogs find The most attractive for taking care of their business.

I'm hoping that whoever put these signs up sees this happening because it was just a really dumb thing for them to put up and why they thought anyone - or any dog - would actually adhere to this message is just a level of ineptitude that I have difficulty relating to.

If the idea was to not have dog poop there, which is far more understandable, then putting up a sign that says "please pick up your dog's poop" would have been a lot better since most people do that anyway. I mean, I don't, but that is because Nadi is a polite pooper and just by dumb luck she always drops bombs somewhere that people wouldn't be walking ever anyway. But I think that most conscientious dog owners, including me, would clean up after them if there was a real reason for that to happen.

This sign, this warning by the owner or whoever, is stupid, and I am glad to see that the other dog owners in the neighborhood actually walk their dogs here on purpose.