Welcoming new games to steemit Char Su

in #videogame7 years ago


Char Su's Great Adventure

This is game is currently being worked on by Coded Arts Caribbean game dev team out of Trinidad and Tobago.

Char Su's Great Adventure is a action platformer similar to game such as Jak and Daxter, Spyro and Ratchet and Clank. It utilizes many modern video games ideas while combining them with the old school fun and feel of the classics.


The Story

Char Su's Great Adventure follow the journey of the young hero Char Su's, he has lived on his home island all his life always learning from his father and master in the ways of a Coqua master. (Coqua are the energies that grow within the earth itself that a few select people can harness and manipulate)
The four major sages have kept balance of the unique Coqua energies for years one sage however has decided that he can harness more of the power for his own uses he begins an irreversible chain of events that allows the dark entities to be set free.
Char Su's true power is then discovered as he is chosen to be the one to travel the world and seal these dark entities and defeat the sage that started it all.



During the course of the game players will come across many unique enemies based on tradition Caribbean folk lore and tales.

  • Douens (Dwens)

Douens are the souls of children who have died before they were baptized. They are doomed to roam the earth forever. They are seen playing in forests and near rivers and the odd thing about them is that they have no faces and their feet are turned backwards. They may approach children and lead them astray in the forest until they are lost, or they may come near people's houses at night, crying and whimpering.

  • Lugarhoo

A Lugarhoo (Lagahoo or Loup Garou) is a person who can change themselves into a half animal from the torso down; and can also alter its size from tiny to very large in an instant. This is done at night as it rattles and drags chains and carries in its hand a whip-like bunch of dried sticks and reeds.

  • Papa Bois

Papa Bois, also called Maitre Bois, lives in the forest and he is the father or protector of the animals that live there. He is often seen by hunters and other people who live near the forest. He gets animals out of snares and treats sick animals at his dwelling. He is an old man who is very hairy, like an animal and usually is only dressed in a pair of ragged trousers with a bamboo horn hanging from his belt. He can turn himself into the form of a large stag or any other animal as well to be able to observe the hunters unnoticed. He is usually very kind, but can be dangerous when crossed. He might even cast a spell on a bad hunter and turn him into a wild hog.

  • La Diablesse

La Diablesse (Lajables), the Devil Woman, roams at night. She has eyes like burning coals and a face resembling that of a corpse, but hides it under a beautiful wide-brimmed hat and a veil over her face. She is dressed exquisitely in a blouse with puffy sleeves and long, petticoated, skirts. She has one cloven foot, which she tries to hide under her long skirts. She turns up at village dances, where she is immediately disliked by the women present, but she utterly charms the men and then asks one of them to take her home. He follows her, totally under her spell. She leads him deep into the woods and then suddenly she disappears. Unable to find his way home, the poor fellow stumbles around in the dark wood until he either falls into a ravine or a river to his death or gets attacked by wild hogs.



With this ambition project underway the team is putting their all into it. Having worked on the project and seeing the response of the public alpha I can certainly say that something amazing is brewing.

I hope the steemit community will throw their support behind this project. The developers can be contacted at http://www.coded-arts.com/