video: Virtual Reality VS Actual Reality - Metaverse (Future of Addiction)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #video3 years ago

In guiding the future direction of the company, Zuckerberg has recently announced they will be changing their company name from Facebook to Meta, and focusing heavy resources into their virtual reality development. Today we discuss virtual reality, and the future of how this technology relates to us.


You may have seen the news. Facebook are rebranding themselves as Meta, and they are working to create a software platform called Horizon Metaverse. This is a virtual reality world that they hope everyone will join and become locked into their network platform.

In the hour long presentation there are a multitude of things we could snark about. To name a few, we have the weird hand gestures, not just by Zuckerberg, but mimicked by everyone of his management. Constantly raising and holding up their hands, while talking, without reason. Also, the fact that Zuckerberg practically sounds like a muppet with his scripted monologue.

Many people already distrust Facebook in the extreme, as any intelligent person should. And some may even talk about how terrible Facebook is, but most won't outright say we should avoid all things Facebook/Meta. Well, we aren't cowards in saying that here. Of course, let us avoid their company and services. But in this recording, we want to discuss something deeper. The philosophical ramifications of where technology is going.

Virtual Reality does have many positive potentials. For example, it could be very useful in such cases as simulating a surgical operation. It can be used to learn and help educate. There are many potential benefits, and they will try to sell us on all of them. While at the same time downplaying all of the potential negatives. So while we acknowledge positives exist, this recording is to be a warning, and shed a bright light on those negatives lurking within.

As a technology, VR is not going away, and we must consider how we are going to navigate the coming minefield that will be setup for us. VR is not owned by Zuckerberg's company. There are several companies with heavily invested interests in Virtual Reality. Microsoft and Sony being a couple other big players, and every company is seeking to lure us inside.

And while VR has been around for decades, now they hope to make it massively popular in the wake of the great Virus Scare, and Government mandates which result in people staying at home more and going outside less. The new normal becomes staying indoors in front of an electronic screen.

So it's worth noting that the more mandates and forced lockdowns the State imposes on us, the more people will stay indoors and become absorbed into their products, which means more corporate profits for them.

Does this mean we are against Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality is just another technology, just like the internet, and technology will progress whether we want it to or not. It is inevitable. We should always use technology to our advantage, but most importantly that means we remain in control of it and not dependent on it for survival.

See the lure and see the danger. No matter which company, the issue is they are pushing a platform of technology that they control, and not us. And with that their goal is manipulate us and create dependence on them.

Here Zuckerberg attempts to console our concerns
"This isn't about spending more time on screens, but about making the time we already spend on screens better"

The irony here in him saying it's not about spending more time on screens... Then proceeding with on with the longest presentation about using his platform for every aspect of life. Working, visiting family and friends, shopping, going to concerts, studying, and of course, playing games.

Perhaps the only thing he left out is sleeping in the Metaverse. Though we can be sure they are working on that too, and they'll market it as good for your health.

So now, instead of going back outside, which is actually good for our health, people can just pretend to go outside in a simulation.

In his presentation, Zuckerberg talks a lot of Teleporting, as though it's some magical gift we'll now have to travel. But what it really means is we will go no where, and just be shown another electronic screen.

Every hour spent on their platform is an hour they can mold a mind into purchasing their products or services, while simultaneously silencing voices and thoughts which go against their corporate agenda.

They seek to provide a wonderful land of addiction. They will provide people with dopamine rushes, and a plethora of instant gratification, far beyond what could ever be in the real world. Though, couldn't this make people more antisocial with behavioral disorders in the real world? No problem, because if you're the antisocial type with no real friends, then they can make you some AI friends in a virtual world. And these AI friends will be ready to play anytime 24/7. And beyond that, virtual romance, with virtual lovers. Your imagination is the limit. A hedonists playground. A transqueer playground. And you can be anything you want to be, as long as it isn't proudly heterosexual, or one of many other demonized and censored groups.

And you'll be able to buy and own real virtual items on the platform. NFT's.

"You own your [virtual] items."

You'll play in a fake world, and you'll really own virtual items. Real virtual items? What is a real virtual item? It isn't anything. What does this remind us of... Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset

You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.

Be aware that even with what we would consider old technologies, the creators were able to shape and shift the minds of people in society. Whether intentionally or not.

Think of television. Television helped convince generations of youth that smoking cigarettes was hip and cool, and then people copied it, and so it became normal. If you can use media to convince everyone that some abnormal behavior is normal, and then they begin to copy it, then that abnormal behavior actually becomes normal.

And Virtual Reality is a far more persuasive and surreal experience than television could ever be. This is what is meant by beware the danger within. It is blurring of the lines between what's real and what isn't real. Manipulating people's perception and beliefs about reality.

If you can control people's perceptions, then it's possible you can change what people think is true about actual reality. And when you change what people believe is true, then you change how people behave in relation to that truth. Minors and those susceptible to peer pressure are most highly manipulable. We must be especially vigilant in protecting our youth.

To conclude, whether explicitly or subliminally, the goal of all these VR companies will be to manipulate what we believe is true of reality. Do not think for a second otherwise. Without question, they are currently implementing artificial intelligence to recognize our responses and adapt in whichever way to strike our pleasure receptors and pull people deeper into their systems. It is well known that they have already been doing this for years with Facebook, and their algorithms will only improve.

We must remain against technology outside of our control. If it is controlled and maintained by a central entity, then we should seek to avoid it. We must embrace Open Source and Decentralized technologies as much as possible. Our good people are increasingly becoming targeted and demonized in this era. Let us organize on networks where we can communicate anonymously and freely, without having our communications censored or influenced from the outside.

You can connect with VidarReturns on the decentralized chat network Session. Session allows us to have direct communications, free of persecution and propaganda.

Our previous recording titled, "Reject Being Part of a Society", was censored on YouTube, but you can still view it on Bitchute and Odysee networks. In that recording we slam Fauci and others for lieing and demonizing strong individuals who refuse the Covid-19 jab.

Video: "Reject Being Part of a Society"

Follow Now to stay updated with our content. We're on Steemit, Gab, Minds and Odysee networks, and live chat on the Matrix and Session networks.


We send out love and to all our brothers and sisters. Stay blessed.


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