Our Scariest Moment in Mexico! 😳
Very recently, some high-ranking members of a drug cartel were arrested. In response to these arrests, the cartel tried to kill the former chief of police. This retaliation turned into a bit of a shootout near where we live in Guadalajara. From what we hear, nobody was killed but a few were injured.
Don't take this as an accurate news source, this information is just relayed from what a subscriber told us.
We asked our YouTube subscribers if they'd like us to give our take on what happened and how we felt about it. The response to that was pretty much a tie, half said yes, and half said no.
Instead of responding to those events, we decided to tell another story - A story about the scariest thing that has happened to us thus far in Mexico.
Watch the full video below:
We use this action cam to shoot our videos.
Check out @wadepaterson's 20 Questions with TangerineTravels.

@sharingeverybite (Maddie)
@shenanigator (Jordan)
(and Laska the Siberian Husky)

If you enjoyed this post, follow us @TangerineTravels

Haha nature refuses the vacuum ..Thank you for the pictures
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing..
i want to visit mexico so bad
Thanks for the vote, I needed it. I think Maddie's still winning by 1 or 2 votes.
Hahaha. Nope! They won't be our pets!
Cockroaches don't do me anything bad... But one thing I hate about them is when they scratches the floor, wall or ceiling while I am sleeping...
Posted using Partiko Android
I don't know why we hate them so much, it's not like they do anything bad to us. But, it's just something about them!
Agreed, but any bug with a lot of legs will just creep me out big time and i'll shit my pants for sure. xD
I am just seeing this. Oh my goodness. I am really sorry and also excited you guys are fine. Wow. That is one scary moment I must admit.
5,000 done and dusted. This is really amazing. You worked yourself so hard for this. You have paid your dues, you deserve some accolades. Congratulations on this buddies. I am always and super proud of you both.
Hahaha Maddie missed the "We are Tangerine Travels" line.
Painting scooters in Orange? Hahahaha. What about Laska? Hahaha
Hahahahahaha Maddie infected me with her laugh. Thank God I watched this at home. I would have gotten a few stare. Her laugh is infectious.
I hate roaches too. I mean so much. When I see them, I feel my skin crawl and I just kill them mercilessly hahaha
I really enjoyed this video.
I guess it's not that scary for us because we're used to stuff like that happening all the time where we used to live in Phoenix.
Hahaha that's awesome it made you laugh so hard! Which part was the funniest for you? Her story?
Cockroaches. Nope! Something about them makes our skin crawl too.
Yes, her story made me laugh. She was trying so hard to explain and she couldn't control the laughter. The part where you told her to calm down made me laugh too, because i do that sometimes with people at work when they are laughing so hard.
"Handwriting on the wall" Metaphoric pun hahahahahaha
I really enjoy watching your videos and you guys's Spanish is pretty good.
I don't like cockroaches either.
When I lived in El Salvador we had quite few cockroaches living with us so I know the feeling.
I can't wait to go back to El Salvador to my home, hopefully soon and for now I'll just enjoy watching your videos.
Thank you, we try to improve a little bit every day. Where are you living now?
I'm back in Canada finishing some things but we can't wait to go back to our home in El Salvador. (my husband is from there)
How long are you guys planning to stay in Mexico?
We would love to stay in Mexico as long as we can. We're not totally sure about the time frame yet though :)
Veo que su español está mejorando mucho, y en este video suenan un poco con acento mexicano :D many things happened on this video. Paella is Spanish so I do not think you'll find a good paella unless you go to a Spanish restaurant. I would like to know more about your impressions of Mexico. Saludos!
Muchas gracias :)
I know it's a long shot to get great paella here in Mexico because in Madrid, at some restaurants, it just wasn't that good. This paella was pretty darn good after adding salt and lime, but does that count? I'm not sure. Salt and lime can make almost anything taste delicious.
Thanks for your input, we have at least one video coming on that topic in the very near future
It's kinda sad but with time you guys will see this as normal, thankfuly they only kill drug realted persons. So you guys can feel safe
We lived in Phoenix before this. Every day when we watched the news, we'd hear about the murders in Phoenix. Compared to that, this event seems like no big deal at all.
Hola los amigos,
Good to see you are still having fun life in Mexico.
Thank you! Hope your plans are still in the works and that you're finding new work :)
I found new work and working out good so far.
I still will travel down to Mexico in a year.
ahyeeee! Reminds of a time when I was in Colombia when I had to get out of my Uber because I thought I was about to be robbed. Overseas travel has always been super safe for me but you do need take responsibility for your well being.
Did you think you were about to be robbed by your Uber driver or by someone else?