How to Make a Good Client Video Testimonial

in #video4 years ago

Like other viral and extremely popular products, video testimonials are vulnerable to a misuse by those who want to create false videos with imagined reviews. As the number of scam testimonials increased, many legit businesses decided to abandon this useful consumer attraction tool. Below methods are discussed how to be sure that the desired testimonial is real and looks like a genuine and trustworthy video sent from a real client and based on true events.

The below recommendations rely on the Video Testimonial Tool for Businesses that we created on Bizpages (

When a company decides to create a video testimonial about a product, service, or corporate activity, there are basic recommendations that can be followed to get a video which sends a clear message to its spectators and is trustworthy.

Technique 1: Add Views in the Video

From the very beginning of the process of creating the video, ask the client who makes it to film the video in a special setting to make sure that the location in the background tells for itself. See an example for this technique: the video tells about an Italian family who was traveling in a country and upon return home they made a video testimonial. The video contains words of gratitude to the travel agent who assisted in arranging the vacation, and the video was made on a background of a splendid sea view.

Technique 2: Language

If the client is a foreigner, or comes from another city or location, ask him to say good words about your business in his mother tongue. Just several sentences would be just ok. The rest of the video can be left in the language that suits your needs. Then, your video testimonial receive more quality and becomes more diverse and trustable.

Technique 3: Mention Dates and Products/Services

Ask the happy customer who is to film the video to talk about dates when the business transaction happenned and specific features of the product that was sold. In this way, you can build many video testimonials that go back in the past. This demonstrates to your visitors that the business you have is a long-term one, with good history and achievements.

Technique 4: More Visual Media about the Products/Services

Use services of a art & visual designer to add good quality photos/videos describing the service, product, or activity that has been sold. An honest business always has plentry of such media at hand, while a scam usually does not have. This technique will allow to additionally advertise your products/services too.
