Blanket Winter / cold numbers

in #video6 years ago

There is a garden in front of the house, there is a sunshine in front of Habib. He wore a heavy blanket on his face, yet he did not accept the winter. Feeling very relaxed on the back of the pimple.
Like the other day, everyone is still busy in the house. The kids went to school, back from school, two coaching classes. The owner of the house, Kamrul's wife, took her children to Coaching in the school. As soon as Marriam met, it was seen that Mariah was busy talking to the phone. Habib was greeted with a salam after moving.
Two drivers, Kader and Shafi at home. Who does the school duty of children, he is in the staff quarter behind the house. Habib's house is there. Two quarters of staff quarters are used as storage, old furniture in the house, old TVs, refrigerators and clothes are not there. For years old people filled two rooms in the old things. In the rest of the house Habib and who else.
'What does uncle uncle do?'
Who asks Habib to clean his car?
'Do not you see? Ride Poyai. '
'So what's your cold? Dhaka city is now cold?
Do not know! Why Habib is so cold! Who has a beautiful thin shirts going around? Of course, the age of the young, so blood is hot.
'Uncle, I'm thinking of getting rid of the room next to the room in Medamam, and you can not sleep in the room. It takes cold, fan does not leave. I'm climbing in the summer. '
Habib does not say anything, think in the mind, 'the real thing is that you will see bad movies on the mobile phone, if I have problems, then you are scrambling me? Go whatever is going on. '
Habib's waist was long after a long period of time. So do not want to rise. She is actually waiting for Kamrul.
Qamrul went out of the house at 10am. There is no chance to talk to him without that time. He's back in the dark night.
Habib came forward Kamrul got in the car. His movements slow down to waist pain.
'Uncle say something? Said quickly. I have a meeting. '
'Father, it was very cold, a new blanket was needed.'
Can you tell me? Can not tell Mariam? When will I buy a blanket? Well, let's see what can be done. '
Last week Kamrul said that. Mariam has also been told, both of them say one, 'I see it'. None of them have time to watch, both are busy busy.
Kamrul's car was out. Habib came back again and again. His eyes are blurred. In a little bit of the eyes, water comes in the eye, the pressure in the chest gets accreted. Why are you thinking? The two will get the time when the new blanket system will be sure. Of course, this belief does not seem very strong.
Habib's wife Selina had a red blanket. After the death of Selina, Habib did not notice the house in the house. When he came home and took all the things, Habib did not receive it. The blanket that took away with many other things. The blanket was sent from her son Malaysia.
At that time, Habib worked as the father of Kamrul's father. Habib's life with wife and only child. Kamrul's father was a very good man. Habib is his distinguished employee. Kamrul's father arranged to send Habib's son to Malaysia. Mother is the day of the son to cry! How much Habib saw, the boy would be good, earn good income, so that does not fill Selina's mind.
After the boy's departure, Selena's body was getting worse. How many times in the house of a boy go home! The boy's letter is actually lying in the thousands of books and crying.
After the death of Selina, Habib became so numb. Stop being caught. After a month, when I realized that there is no money to buy a single rice at home, then the new employee is working there to look at it. The world does not stop for anyone
Then Kamrul said he was making a new house in Dhaka. Habib can work as a care taker if he wants.
Habib thought, it would be good to go away from here. The mind will be too light.
Alahey business to come to Dhaka! There is a huge house, how many people work there! Habib did understand everything in a very short time. The staff quarter was first created, there was habib.
At that time a contractor named Tariqul used to do homework, big pandals. One day, told Habib that he would take some cement bags and rods, whether it was work or not.
Habib's suspicion was in the past, the bat seems to be removing the cement. Habib said, 'I can not take a brick without Sir's instruction while I am here. '
'Oh uncle, what are you? Are you buying them? I'll take some of the goods on another site, so I'm sure. After the Edzesta Demonunare And keep it in aman. 'Said Habib's hand in a note. Habib's note was stopped by Tariqul's work on that day.
Another came in place of Tariqul, Habib kept an eye on every thing in the daytime - bricks, cement, sarakhi, rod. All tiles were kept in tile. Kamrul never saw them. Even Habib Pi and kept the account.
When this house was fully built, Kamrul's family came here, Habib was still working as a barracker. To open the gate, supervise the work of the garden, arrange to fix it when something is lost, these tasks. What about the house, Maya has fallen, every brick wood knows her
Everything was fine, but two years ago, after working back to the house, there was a pain in the waist and she did not leave the pain. Besides, the age has increased by how much we know. If you give a car horn on the gate of the house, it can not open the gate anymore. A young young man in his place is real.
Habib understands his negligence to others, that he is an extra person, a burden, and a burden in this house. But he can not go where? After the death of Selina, when he came to Dhaka, the boy came to the country some days later. Its money is needed. She sold her house and gave her son money What else to do with the house? Let the boy be happy. Habib did not think of himself once. Now he has no place to go. What is the benefit of the child to suffer from this, son knows Dad works in Dhaka - that is good.
Kamrul's very busy day today. In the two urgent meeting, we will go to the winter clothes and blanket distribution program at a school ground in the afternoon. State Minister for Industry will be special guest there. Kamrul has his secretary Amjad on the phone.
'Hello, the minister's lunch arrangement for all? His food, but from Westin, brought Anna. Is there any order? '
'Sir, there is a bad news. The state minister will not be able to come His teeth pain. He has to rest today.
Blood was on Kamrul's head. 'Hey, what are these? Two hours after the ceremony and you are now saying this? Balad Kunhankar. '
Kamrul kept the phone. Amjad thought to himself, 'You are bullock, your four-legged bull's bulls. '
On the occasion Kamrul saw the crowd gathered, the poor people of the winter room were sitting in front of the pandal with the young Kachchu family. A row rows and sofa set beside him, the homemade chomera people sitting there in his known business organization. Amjad is shouting, 'Everyone is sitting, everyone sitting, no one will stand. And whoever holds his ticket. Nobody will get blanket on the ticket. '
Kamrul saw all the pieces in a white receipt. Amjad has done it well. A total of one hundred blankets and one hundred winter clothes are being offered by Kamrul's business organization, which means that a total of 100 tickets have been given. But people seem to see more people!
Amjad why are so many people coming? There is no arrangement for such coating. '
Sir, do not people actually join the ceremony? The media is coming. '
'What is the media people? Just seeing an old man walking around the camera. I did not even see a picture. '
'Sir, everyone will come and not worry. '
'There is no TV channel, no one can say that, where is he?'
Amjadera ring the phone, talking on the phone his face became black.
'Sir, the minister of the morning light did not say' Asabona '.
Kamrul's mood is getting worse, it seems like today's day is Kuffa. Today, because of this event, Media Attention is available, he will be elected president in a business organization ahead. Media Attention is important at this time.
'Amjad listen, there will be no work on your child like a pregnant baby. Why did not the journalist? How many ticks are you asking?
'Sir wants twenty thousand taka'. It is not true, the journalists have been dealing with ten thousand. Amjad's commission is the rest.
'So give twenty thousand taka. And what is the news of the TV channel? How much will it cost?
'Sir, he is fit, he does not think he will come in time. '
'Nah, what are you thinking if you are bullied like this? The minister came, did not come, what arranged?
'Sir, the state minister for industry has not come, but I have congratulated the Commerce Advisory Council Chairman for many requests. You do not worry '
Kamrul was calm, let's move on to Amar.
The people sitting in wait for the coating will start. They are waiting for four hours. Many people want to know how to wear blankets. Amjad again started shouting hand mike, 'Everyone sat down, everyone is patient ...'
Everyone is patient. The Chief Guest, the special guest, the prominent guests, Kamrul - all gave an irritating speech. The journalist of the morning light took a photo of the journalist, the TV channel journalist took a video. At the end, it started distributing warm clothes and blankets. At that time, the tired small children were neglected, the thumb of the stomach had worn by the thumb of the thighs, the boys were shouting so long that their throat was sitting.
The special guest, the chief guest, the honorable guest, and finally the Kamrul blanket and winter clothes handed over to the poor people. A lot of photos-videos are being presented in this post. Tomorrow it will come to the paper, it will show on TV.
At the end of the photo, Quamrul went on duty in the hands of Amjad. Everyone is going out, it is necessary to exchange merchandise with everyone. Liazo is very important before the election.
After all leaving Amjad finished the ceremony. Half of clothes and blankets will be removed in the van, already arranged. These will be sold at Islampur, the van will be right there.
More than half of the people are still standing in the ticket. Amjad looked at the crowd, who knows how many rugs to be taken from this place, how many blankets can be offered to this place. They sell the stores with the blanket, know all the news. Amjad Satan is one!
'Everyone is listening, the blanket is over. Who are left to go Amjad tells Mike.
One starts in the crowd, but it does not matter if some people sit for six hours. Some security guards drive the people out of the stick. The garbaghali blahatati environment becomes toxic. Amjad does not get disturbed by it.
Kamrul returned home late at twelve o'clock. In the evening he went to the club. One of his friends brought red wine from Italy, the thing is good. Mild drunkenness but did not lose control over himself.
Habib saw the need to sit down beside the car.
'Oh uncle, do not you sleep yet? This time you have never been here. '
'Who has changed my house. If I do not leave the fan in the house. But the new house knows how to smell, Indoor too. I could not sleep, so here's Bose. '
'Oh, well, you know tomorrow's house.' Kamrul opened the door and entered the room.
'Father, how long have you been talking about a blanket, it's cold. A blanket was needed. '
'Yeah, yes, I see, Dibon. Can you have a cold uncle? There is no cold in Dhaka. So you can wear blanket blankets, see what can be done. '
Habib was silent again sitting around. The problem seems to him, why he feels so cold1.jpg