in #video8 years ago (edited)

We have recently had Hurricane Harvey visit in some countries. Leaving affected some cities of the United States like Houston. The forecasts for a phenomenon of this category are many. The intensity with which that moment is lived causes an indelible mark on the lives of many people. For that reason some families think about their animals and to protect them they are tied up so that the current does not carry them. The media have shown us some dogs that drowned because they could not escape the high level of water developed specifically in those two cities.

It is truly regrettable and very significant the tragedy experienced by many animals. But we must make a deep reflection before the events. Just as man seeks by natural instinct to protect his life, the animal by nature possesses a great Instinct of Survival. More likely to survive a flood or a great storm an animal than the same man.
This is because the dog acts instinctively and his level of consciousness does not allow him to doubt. He only seeks to survive at the cost of anything. This should lead us to reflect on the behavior of the canine before an event where he feels in danger. The animal LOOSE without any moorings will seek to hold on to anything that crosses it and will have
greater chance of survival.
A branch of a tree stuck in any stream of water will serve any animal to survive an imminent natural tragedy. The deity has endowed the dogs with a great intelligence and a survival instinct that will always protect him. If you really love your dog I trusted him and his desire to live. Do not underestimate your dog and give your innate wisdom an opportunity. DO NOT TIE YOUR DOG free when you are faced with these inevitable events as he will surely know how to take care of himself to protect his life guided by his connection with the divinity.


Thanks for posting with concern and good intentions! Hopefully some pets' lives can be saved in the future for those that catch this and confirm with their own research.

Thanks for your support. I have a veterinarian relative and what happened really did affect us. I hope this information helps a little to understand these noble animals.

Sorry for the translation errors