Starting out in video editing

in #video6 years ago

Okay, so this is a tough bullet to bite.
Video editing is easy to learn yet impossible to master. There is always room for improvement and unless you are willing to put a lot of free time into research,you are going to make this road very long to you.
First off,video editing is hard both on your hardware and on you, and that is why you need to take things slow,not to rush into it like you are doing a all-nighter just before finals.
Let's start with the hardware part first.
So you want to start video editing, but you still don't know if you will be able to learn it and will you enjoy it, so i recommend you not to rush by buying expensive equipment like monitors and other stuff.
Reality is, you have to start somewhere and if you are lucky you will either have a iMac or a decent Windows PC accessible to you. You don't need high end workstation when you are just starting out, because you will mostly be rendering short videos up to 5 minutes.
Once you get your desired program on the editing machine, you will want to start by getting some practice footage.
Here you have two options:
Number one is going out with your drone/phone/camera and recording some decent quality video clips that you can work with. This option is a better solution since you are owner of the original videos, which allows you to upload that very same video to social media. Also, when you are shooting your own footage you can choose whatever theme and plot of the video you want to be.
Option number two is downloading some footage from the Internet. Here, you can use sites like Pexels which will allow you to download free stock videos which you can later stitch together and edit. However, this approach is kind of risky if you want to upload your edits to social media and in the best case you will not be able to monetize them, or you risk being boggled down by the copyright laws.

Okay now,you have your editing rig, your programs and your editing material, what do you do next?
I like taking this part apart into steps,so follow me and i will show you how i do it.

Step number one is reviewing your footage,
This is great time to pull out paper and pencil or start up Notepad and start writing your observations about the footage.
Is the video shaky? Does it need color grading,or maybe it needs to be slowed up or down. Also, write down what would you want to do with this clip, this is the thing that a director will write to you but here you are your own director.

Step number two is importing your material into your program of choice and laying out your sequence,
Here, you lay the foundation of your editing piece. This is the part where you tell the story, and if you mess it up, you could have everything else perfect and it would not even it out. Now, most directors will give you a piece of paper or a document that will show you how story needs to unfold.

Step number three is doing the transitions and audio
Now it is your time to shine! Express emotion, show passion and make sure every transition leaves you wanting for more.
Also look into audio syncing,that makes your edits so much cleaner.

Step number four is color grading and doing final adjustments
I can't help you much here, this is dictated by your footage and your boss, but all in all try to make it as natural as possible and don't overdo it.

Step number five is exporting your video
This part requires most patience and also knowledge in setting up all the parameters so your video comes out just perfect!

And voila! You did it!

P.S. I suggesting having a phone by your hand and looking on tutorial for everything you can't do yourself, and also watch tutorials in your free time.