Vlog #81: STEEMFAT: After 3 weeks of working hard I gained weight, lost muscle and added more fat. Hmmm....I need a change of plans.

in #video7 years ago

Today was a big day. The super measuring machine in the gym would determine how much muscle I have gained and how much fat I lost.

I was very pleased with my progress pictures so I was sure that I would get fantastic results.

Couldn't really hide my disappointment when the machine measuring lady told me I lost muscle (-2%), gained more fat and weight (+1 KG).

For a slight second, I was overcome by that feeling that you just want to give up.
But no way. I only have nine weeks left to do something about it.

Apparently, I have not been eating enough carbs and protein to maintain my muscles. Looking for energy my body started to eat them.

I don't understand how that works. I keep track of my exercises and have been improving every week on every exercise. I would have expected them to have grown.

But maybe I went a bit overboard on the diet.
STEEMFAT is a journey to get in shape. I'm just going to have to find a new direction. And I will find it.


ps. Dtube didn't work today