The Ben and Lauren Show S1E1

in #video7 years ago (edited)

We put the children to bed, get a nice drink and start chatting. Check out the Ben and Lauren Show.

The Ben and Lauren Show!

Our topics were centered around the events of this week, including a trip to a memory care facility, a surprise tasting of barbecue sauce featuring three of the most feared hot peppers known to man, our new business prospects, some local politics and a salted caramel coconut milk drink concoction. We had fun and hope you enjoy listening!


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of four wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Steemit enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!

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Can we have the recipe for that drink?

Sure! I'll have to approximate amounts, though. I make Ben's and mine separately because I don't use sugar in mine and Ben still finds what he calls "fake sugar" disgusting.

1 tsp sugar (I use 1/2 tsp Truvia or Pyure for THM)
1 1/2 Tbl cream (this can go up to 2 Tbl easily...)
A pinch pink salt (this is definitely to taste - I tend to like a lot of the salt)
1 Tbl Bailey's Irish Cream OR 1/4 tsp caramel flavoring + 1/4 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup coconut milk (carton style, not from a can)
Ice cubes

Whisk sugar, salt and cream together in the bottom of the glass until sugar is dissolved before adding remaining ingredients and whisking to combine.

I made it! I thought it was very entertaining! You guys are hilarious :)
So sorry about your grandma @lturner. Enjoyed hearing you both:)

Thank you @thefarmerswife - it was really interesting for us to think of things and talk about them. Even the things that went on with Grandma!

You need to move to Arkansas! Pretty low property taxes. We have a high sales tax in town but that is it.

Heh. Yes, we did hear what your property taxes were...that's about a quarter of what we're paying for a subdivision lot. At least the lot is big enough to practice gardening on.

But there is a very important reason we live here. Mom and Dad live next door. And my family lives ten minutes away. I think we're going to have to keep paying the taxes for the importance of staying close for now...

We had to do something with our favorite Saturday evening podcast time! Boy do we miss the Homestead podcasts...

Nice to have you guys entertain me while I made dinner this evening! Sounds like a pretty cool farmers market and good idea to try something new each time! We have a small gringo/international market here, but it doesn't sound nearly as exciting. Good thing you have reliable ambulances, fire trucks and police. I hear that our firemen have pump sprayers that they wear on their backs...concrete buildings are kind of hard to catch on fire. But the police are pretty unreliable here, which is pretty sad. Anyway, paying tons extra for them is annoying, that I can understand. Sorry to hear about Lauren's grandma, but I can see also how that would be a blessing to know she is not suffering here anymore. Blessings to you guys!

Thank you for listening! We're thrilled to have a farmer's market that is open on a different day besides Saturday. It's still fairly small but getting larger and we enjoy our Thursday evening outings a lot.

We definitely have to keep in mind that we are blessed to have a fire department and a police department - that's one reason it really grates when their contracted money is spent on other stuff we DIDN'T need or want. It's as if lots of things are being wasted, including the time and energy of the police officers and firefighters.

But as Ben says, we can't sit around and whine about the taxes. We either need to move or pay them and right now...we're stationary.

Thank you about Grandma. Yes, there is a very great weight lifted off her and the family because when one member of the family is in so much distress it affects all of us for sure.

May you be blessed this evening as well!

Looks like the right thing to do 👊😊

I saw this last night and said I have to watch that. And I watched the whole thing! I enjoyed it and I thought it was a good length. To be honest, I wanted to see what you had to say about the politics.
P.S. I’ll have some sunflower honey to give away sometime this fall. If you’re interested, I’ll have to get your address from you later!

Thank you!

Yes, we need to learn to spend less time on one topic so we can fit a few more varied ones in. Tell shorter stories. I noticed that we both ramble. And it's hard to look at the camera instead of the screen and to not get distracted by seeing a moving picture on the screen.

We had a bunch of thoughts on politics because of the primaries held last week and also because we're in the process of learning what we have to do in order to get a patent for our water cooling tower endeavor. We've learned there's a new board of review in the patent office created during the Obama administration who is revoking people's patents left and right, apparently on the principle of "you didn't build that!" Ack.

YES, we'd be interested!!!! Sunflower honey sounds pretty yummy. Thank you!

Awesome! I’m not sure when it’ll be here, so it could be as late as winter for all I know lol. But I will keep in touch with you!

Woohoo! That would be wonderful!

Great start, can’t wait for the next one. I really want to try that BBQ sauce. I’m sorry to hear about your Grand Mother. See you’ll next week.

Thank you very much! Will you be on the homestead this Sukkot? @ironshield

Excellent episode one! I think you two did great! Looking forward to the next one and waiting the entertainment part....I wonder what Ben will do next? hahah!

We have some new food to try, although much more mild next time around. If all goes well, we'll get another up Saturday night. @ironshield