Veterans on Steem Daily Highlights - 26 Feb 2018

in #veterans7 years ago


This highlighter curates the diverse content published by military veterans on Steem on a daily basis. It welcomes all sorts of content under all sorts of tags with the goal of showcasing the diverse contribution of veterans.

Daily Veteran Post Curation

Our daily contributors are selected from the @chairborne following list.

@aghunterArchitectural Photography - Remembering the Fallenarchitecturalphotography157
@phelimintI need to interrupt the Intro to Silver Stacking Series for some Family Time!family89
@mericanhomesteadAvoid Homestead Culture Shock - IT'S REAL!homesteading85
@jackmillerHow I Found A Way To Adapt To All The New Apps & Services Out There!steemit50
@deaconleeDay 129: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: fingernailfreewrite49
@richq11CPS & Me: The End (I Hope)!!!familyprotection44
@moderndayhippieTomorrow is the big day!adventure39
@inthenow[Steemit Record PoolSong of The Day // Wicked Garden - Stone Temple Pilots](
@basicstolivingRaining Here Today So Working On The Small House.blog23
@staceyjeanCookin' Mama's Kitchen : Ginger Chicken Soupcookinmamaskitchen21
@mtnmeadowmommaFeaturing: my little pupil, and patchwork placemats :)needleworkmonday21
@rodeo670The Dancing Dreamers with DJ Damashii Episode 08 Recording and Recap - We Talked About Rave Totems, Their Potential to be Applied as Sigils, and Their Use as Beacons at Festivalsthedancingdreamers18
@mother2chicksJourney into Discovery- My Introductionintroduction15
@chackettIndoor grow Flower Time....cannabis15
@bembelmaniacDid you ever made your own Pepper Flavoured Salt??homesteading15
@steemengines300 Followers! Thank you!zappl14
@randomnessLocal Coin Shop Visit Mondaysteemsilvergold13
@protegeaaFood Truck Day 5food13
@len.georgeRearwin Sportster 9000, NZ 565 NZ 568 & 9 NZ 599, 1942 to 1946history12
@coldsteemThe Snow Walker - Movie Reviewmovies12
@veteranforcryptoThe Beginning of a new purpose.veterans11
@elpompadorIs Tony Robbins a Fraud? A Scammer? Or is he for Real!?steemit11
@retiredinsamarTry As You May, Try if You Might - Any Stamp Collecting Enthusiasts Out There?history8

Member List

The full list of known veteran and serving member accounts can be found here.


This highlighter does not take responsibility for anything posted in the above list of links. It pulls indiscriminatingly and supports each veteran's right to be equally heard. The member list is checked regularly for account compromise and other issues. For more information read all about the Veterans Project here.


This highlighter will run on @guiltyparties until @chairborne reaches a follower list of 500 strong to ensure maximum visibility for the curated posts. Until then it will be re-steemed.


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Dude I am a Veteran, US Navy 12/2001- 12/2005 GSE3 Francis James Aiello of the USS Mahan.

thank you sir, I will be following your blog going forward. I voted for you as witness. And resteemed.

I voted for you, how do I get added to the list of veterans? I can prove it with my DD214 or even my license in PA shows my Veteran status. or I can post a picture of me in the ship in uniform.

well would you look at that i made the list :D

I like this as I can see other veterans posts. Do you have a list so I can follow everyone?