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RE: Captian Richard Marcinko founder of SEALTeam 6 Operation Save a Child Sex Slave

in #veteran6 years ago (edited)

Great work! There are apparently sealed indictments containing several big names associated with the DC beltline.

As we know in the past, Dennis Hastert was busted for sex with a minor, and ended up only serving probation. You have to think the awareness level child trafficking now, will completely wash over DC like an avalanche.

Another former Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer, runs Vets for Child Rescue. And his film Contraland comes out on Netflix in October, (I think).

A lot of people came out and said QAnon was fake after the release of information pertaining to the sealed indictments came out. But, my feelings are that this was a huge push to discredit the whole thing as the pedo-poltiical-hollywood complex shivers in their scum soaked fetid underwear. Granted, there are a lot of false Qs out there. But, if you ever listen to the SGT Report, that team seems to be on target for parsing out the correct intel from whomever is the leak.

This is a fascinating time to be alive. When you consider that for years we've sent people to DC and no matter what their sub-title, be it D or R, they got up there and their promises vanished. And the speculation was always that there was dirt on them. Now we know the dirt is synthetically fabricated and foisted upon them on a global scale.

Makes you wonder how many of them were tricked into underage sex with young women who looked like they were in their 20s. And how many of them go way beyond a lapse in judgement and actually enjoy raping little kids. WTF!


Change is coming! And nice time to be alive!