Vermicompost for Sustainable Agriculture ! (Organic Farming)

in #vermicompost5 years ago

Vermicompost is an agricultural input rich in organic matter which has been used and produced in developed agricultural countries in the world for nearly 70 years. In short it is worm manure. The richness and content of the organic matter, humic fulvic acid, mycorrhiza fungi, beneficial bacteria, coelom liquid, natural growth hormone, millions of microorganisms, enzymes and amino acids due to fertilizer, plant nutrition, soil protection classes are sold under this name.

%100 Ecologic

Which worm is best for production of vermicompost?

The earthworm species Eisenia foetida is a widely used earthworm of economic importance and is a useful friend of farmers. It is beneficial for improving the agricultural production of crops when used judiciously for vermicompost production. The earthworm eats away the waste of organic origin and produce a quality manure of commercial importance in the form of vermicasts in a short span of time under proper care and controlled conditions.

Why Eisenia foetida?

Earthworms are also a good means of ventilation. However, worms of this breed cannot move quickly because they are larger and do not remove all of the nutrients they eat as feces, because some of them are large, they use them for their own needs. They do not reproduce and produce quickly.

However, Eisenia foetida worms are culture worms. Because they are thinner, they have more mobility. They can open more galleries in the soil. They have more fertility and multiply rapidly. The number of worms you start with a small amount will increase in a short time and will make a fast composting. They are more resistant and more digestive enzymes in the digestive system. They provide a better quality fertilizer.

97% of plant nutrients in Worm Fertilizer, especially N, P and K can be taken directly by the plant. Accordingly, Wormcasting, rich topsoil in the form of usable amount of nitrogen 5 times, the amount of potassium is 7 times, the amount of calcium is found to be 3 times more. This increase is due to the activity of beneficial microorganisms and bacteria found in Worm Manure.

There are many brand of products related to vermicompost.

And you can search from YouTube how can they use?



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