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RE: VERGE (XVG) Farming for Cash was Recommended
Thank you @Haejin for taking the time to cover $XVG. People who are being negative in their comments clearly don't understand the statement "There is nothing absolute" All that @Haejin is posting about is an educated statistical analysis that is potentially CHANGABLE based on human behavior and financial variables. I hope that people who are attacking take this into account before they write a negative comment.
Lets all just sit around the camp fire a sing kum-bi-ya rather than hand out any sort of criticism.
:-) nice idea ... but I think good constructive criticism would be very well to (some people are paying much to get that kind of criticism) ... Of course with respect for each other and without the aim to hurt ...
is that really how you look? Wow.
I agree though, @haejin is great.
To be honest i saw analysis of both of experts . Haejin and @salahuddin2004 . But trust me he have more knowledge than you. Look at his profile @salahuddin2004 and yours.
This place is becoming a war zone!
he has* more knowledge. Learn how to spell before you go roasting my boy @haejin
quite possible that zamara is not a native english speaker, and he did spell have correctly, you just sound... pedantic.
Spelling aside, Zamara's post is rude. Why not say, "for another opinion, check out @salahuddin2004's blog." I welcome dissent but don't be an a-hole about it.
Also he is the same person he is recommending.... a complete fraud, go and look for yourself. There are like 3 aliases trying to promote same person.
Hahaha... Oh what a world we live in...
haejin TA is like this pile of poo!!

Please leave! You are annoying like your own poop. You are being disrespectful to everyone here who wants to learn and contribute. You should be ashamed of yourself.
go get a life
haejin TA is like this pile of poo!!

haejin TA is like this pile of poo!!

haejin TA is like this pile of poo!!