How does a ventilator work?

in #ventilators4 years ago

Why are ventilators used?
To get oxygen into the lungs and body
To help the body get rid of carbon dioxide through the lungs
To ease the work of breathing—Some people can breath on their own, but it is very hard. They feel short of breath and uncomfortable.
To breathe for a person who is not breathing because of injury to the nervous system, like the brain or spinal cord, or who has very weak muscles.
How does a ventilator work?
The ventilator is connected to the person through a tube (endotracheal or ET tube) that is placed into the mouth or nose and down into the windpipe. When the health care provider places the ET tube into the person’s windpipe, it is called an intubation. Some people go through surgery to have a hole place in their neck and a tube (tracheostomy or “trach” tube) is connected through that hole. The trach tube is able to stay in as long as needed. At times a person can talk with a trach tube in place by using a special adapter called a speaking valve. (For more information on having a tracheostomy see ATS patient information series at
The ventilator blows gas (air plus oxygen as needed) into a person’s lungs. It can help a person by doing all of the breathing or just assisting the person’s breathing. The ventilator can deliver higher levels of oxygen than delivered by a mask or other devices. The ventilator can also provide what is called positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). This helps to hold the lungs open so that the air sacs do not collapse. The tube in the windpipe also makes it easier to remove mucus if someone has a weak cough.