It is incredible how many and repetitive "spelling errors" are read to the detriment of Spanish, which are written or spoken in comments and chats, among others. For that reason I set myself as a task, far from bad criticism and much less mock anyone, to provide by this way my contribution of corrective teaching to Spanish speakers, native or not, who, for one reason or another, ignore of these spelling errors or they learned our language badly.
In that sense, I will publish a series of comments, here known as posts, to show, on one side, those faults that we frequently commit, and, on the other, their correct or corrected form, in order to contribute to the preservation of the Spanish.
Starting, then ....
1.1- How is it said: NOSOTROS VENIANOS O NOSOTROS VENIAMOS? (We came ?)
Frequently NOS is used as a suffix or ending of that verbal conjugation for the first person of the plural, that is to say for NOSOTROS (US), because it seems logical ... NOS - NOSOTROS. But it is NOT so, the correct thing is that the termination is MOS. Examples: NOSOTROS VENIAMOS (WE CAME), NOSOTROS COMIAMOS (WE ATE), NOSOTROS ESCRIBIAMOS (WE WROTE), etc., In the same way with any other verb.
1.2- How is it said: TU HAZ VENIDO or TU HAS VENIDO ? (Have you come?)
Another error regularly committed is to write HAZ with z as the verb to have in the past participles of the verbs, for the second person of the singular TU (you). It's not like that either, because write it with z is the imperative of the verb HACER (to do), HAZ la tarea ! HAZ el trabajo ! ( do the homework, do the work!). The correct way then is: ´TÚ HAS VENIDO,(You have come with), look what HAS is written with S, ... And so with the rest of the verbs. Examples: TÚ HAS BAILADO (YOU HAVE DANCED), TÚ HAS COMIDO (YOU HAVE EATEN), etc.
1.3- It is important to note that HAZ also behaves as a noun in these two definitions:
HAZ: Set of things, usually long and narrow, placed on top of each other and tied by their center. Example: “Un haz de leña; un haz de hierba" ("A bundle of firewood; a bundle of grass ").
HAZ: Set of luminous rays of the same origin. Example: "Su presencia es un haz de luz para mi vida" ("His presence is a beam of light for my life").
I hope that this first lesson has been sufficient or satisfactory for my dear readers and that, if they are so, let me know in your comments, and I will try to answer any questions as soon as possible.
Very soon I will have LESSON No 2 for you.