A Satoshi is already equivalent to a Venezuelan BolivarsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #venezuela7 years ago

Many think that the best thing for the country would be to sign Bitcoin's adoption.

Black market prices for the Venezuelan bolivar are already equivalent to 1 satoshi of Bitcoin. A satoshi, the designation used for the eighth decimal of a Bitcoin, is the smallest transferable unit of the criptomoneda ... in dollar terms, a satoshi is currently equivalent to $ 0.0000420842.

The news has highlighted in the first page of Reddit, compiling many comments ... among them you can appreciate the one of ayanamirs:

You can literally earn more money than the minimum wage on PTC pages.

The formerly richest country in South America is now experiencing hyperinflation rates that are close to a thousand percent. In the black market, one dollar is equivalent to 25,000 bolivars - for the moment of writing this article - and that is forcing Venezuelans to pay impressive sums of money for food and medicines, which are scarce on a regular basis and reinforce the humanitarian crisis.

In this way, many Venezuelans have resorted to the mining of Bitcoin and other criptomonedas that can be exchanged by BTC. Those Venezuelans who do not have a bank account can use Bitcoin without problems, as long as they have a mobile phone and a wallet application. While it is true that adoption is currently low, more and more Venezuelans are betting on this area to protect their finances ... With the parity between the satoshi and the bolivar is logical to think that the trend will increase.

Source: Bitcoinist.

Image of Pixabay.


No se mucho de inglés amigo, pero como veo que eres de Venezuela te comento en español, me pareció gracioso eso de que los satoshis son como el equivalente al bolívar en Venezuela, ciertamente el bolívar cada vez vale menos no he sacado la cuenta pero yo creo que 1 solo satoshi es incluso más que 1 bolívar, el btc subiendo cada semana, yo creo que en octubre puede ser que toque los 5 mil usd otra vez...

pues es asi amigo(a), 1 Satoshi Equivale a 1,16Bolivares, HEHEEH!!!!, normalmente tiendo ha hacer mis posts en ingles ya que tienen mas tendencia, gracias por voto, y porsupuesto que te sigo. hazlo igual conmigo saludos.

Former richest country in South America?? Not quite.

But they are definitely hurting now.

When a satoshi is worth more than your local currency, you are experiencing hyperinflation

If unfortunately we are suffering superinflation, and we have a donkey that does not know to make agreements and invested in technology, we have one of the largest sources to generate electricity and at a very absurd cost, which for example "3 Rigs of 6 GPU, in any country European consumers consume 300Euro estimated in only light expenses, and in Venezuela just does not reach 0.30$

I find that post insulting to donkey's everywhere, LOL

Your donkey is a true jack ass.

Te dejo mi voto en apoyo saludos!

Genial tu articulo, quede loco con lo cerca que están los valores :O !!

Quiero compartirte mi idea para apoyarnos y tener mas votos en nuestras publicaciones.