in #venezuela6 years ago


Important Note: This Publication corresponds to an Improvement Edition and subsequent translation from Spanish to English of My Post, previously made by me and published in Steemit:

Everything was done by the Author: myself @josevasquez With Graphic support, according to the sources cited

I Humbly Present Possible Ideas and Actions, But Of All of Us UNITED AND WITHOUT FEAR, Depends on the Power and Duty to Build a Future of Quality, Continuous Improvement and Plenary of Blessings, Love, Peace, Tolerance, Education, Wisdom, Honesty, Ethics, Health, Happiness, Equity and Success for All.

In the first place, I must emphasize that this publication establishes the final phase of a brief and documented investigation, superficially Prospective, Analytical and started 8 months ago (research and analysis not rigorous and without scientific character); with which, the author has simply tried to analyze the situation of Venezuela and the Venezuelans from different points of view, to try to obtain objective, timely and with acceptable truthfulness information, which would allow to construct possible future scenarios.

In such terms, 4 publications were generated that summarize the details of the same to be shared with friendly Venezuelan and Spanish-speaking readers in Steemit; and I reiterate that this article represents the last installment, added to the previous phases 3, to make up the complete manuscript with all the summaries of the aforementioned research. Being the previous ones:




Overall Summary...

According to all the data collected and analyzed, Venezuela is apparently a naturally rich country that due to corruption and bad government management, in almost every way it is practically sunk in a deep crisis and misery that is aggravated daily.

That is to say, at present Venezuela is negatively positioned among the last places in the world concert, in almost all the objective and statistically measurable indicators; evidenced internally, with the serious political and socioeconomic problems, and the current sufferings of the majority of Venezuelans, who are rapidly approaching the distressing and subhuman extreme poverty and widespread famine.

Paradoxically, Venezuela is a country located among the first places in the world in many of the positive global statistics, for its evident comparative and competitive advantages, among which its natural resources stand out (apparently it has the largest oil and gas reserves in the world), exaggerated amount of potable water, minerals, precious stones, metals, radioactive elements, coltan, exit to the sea, extensive coasts, excellent climate with varied places and good lands for livestock and agriculture, among others).

In addition, Venezuela has a privileged geographical and geopolitical position, very strategic and little affected by destructive natural events; and additionally, the Venezuelan people are relatively and mostly composed of young people, healthy, of beauty and natural sympathy, intelligent, noble, hardworking, highly educated and academically well prepared...

However, it is difficult to understand why Venezuela is subsumed in this horrific crisis of relative and absolute decadence; evidenced in the poverty of its impoverished institutions and its almost destroyed productive apparatus, with a tendency to stop totally and dress with a monstrous Hyperinflation and Corruption, which assassinate our currency, economy and the poor people.

Similarly, due to the lack of maintenance, the social and service infrastructure is working calamitously and aimed at the technical closure of public services due to inefficiency, looting, nepotism, corruption, mandatory political affiliation, lack of inputs and specialized personnel. On the other hand, it is sad and regrettable that the salary is very "minimal", although it is regularly increased with unconscionable decrees that do not serve almost anything because they are untimely and dissolved within a few days by the miserable hyperinflation, sponsored by the same government.

All of which, together with other variable negatives, fosters the dismal appreciation of thick clouds of famine, plagues, crime, diseases and major social conflicts rapidly approaching Venezuela, to continue plunging into the burning hell of misery.

Techniques To Solve Problems With Quality And Continuous Improvement...

Apparently, everyone in Venezuela and even internationally, we know very well everything previously detailed and something else; and specifically, everything related to the problems, the causes and consequences of the terrible crisis that Venezuelans suffer daily. But, with regard to Venezuela, what is the certainty about the Solutions...?

To try to find and propose the possible solutions, I have to base myself on many of the "good things and techniques" that I have learned in Prospecting and Building Future Scenarios; from which it can be suggested that the solutions to the problems are located "in front of our noses" (unfortunately, by "myopia" widespread few who can appreciate the solutions objectively, truthfully and effectively).

Additionally, I enclose and reiterate my understanding of reality and in terms that our present is a direct consequence of our past; therefore, in the present is when we must feel, think, speak, plan, act, correct and improve, to build our best possible future, perfectible with the due quality we deserve, both Venezuela and the Venezuelans.

Therefore, in the first place, the basic techniques that I have used in my Prospective analysis consist of correctly denying the problem (for example: I am hungry, negation: I am not hungry); although, the previous thing seems something silly, obvious or perhaps invalid as real solution of the problem; in practice it is not, because it does not refer to simply denying with a NOT the problem, or to indicate a mental, hypothetical or idealistic desire.

Actually, the above is the starting point of the set of "pragmatic" ideas and actions, technically planned, objective, tangible and with quantifiable goals and indicators, which as a whole can be executed with the available resources and in a determined time; evaluating everything with what is counted and what is required (Commitments, Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Resources), to reach the objectives and goals set for the effective negation and solution of the problem, its causes and consequences.

The second step is to go back as far as possible, poking between the causes, to try to locate the root of the problem, which can progressively insert the aforementioned denial with their respective answers to the appropriate questions "how...?" And with chain reaction, to try to eliminate or minimize effectively and accurately the problem posed.

In the case of the problem of the previous example (I am hungry), therefore, I must eat. But how...? Then, to answer these questions, the whole context is evaluated and a long list is drawn up with the set of capacities, aptitudes, attitudes, theories, the necessary resources, those that are available, those that can be obtained and the ones that are missing; and with everything collected to generate the best plan, for the optimal possible scenario based on a future contextualized in Quality and Continuous Improvement.

In third order, it must be based on the above and with the appropriate and satisfactory answers to the many "how?" It will be able to recognize as perfectly as possible about the skills, potential, resources and in general everything essential for Management, Operational Execution, Control, Corrections and Improvements of a Realistic Project that can lead to solve the posed problem; and in order to achieve the objectives and goals proposed.

Continuing with the previous example (I am hungry and I must eat), the sequence of steps that should be followed would be oriented as follows: now I notice that I need to have more food to feed myself, I must buy more food, I need to have more money to buy food, I have to work properly to get more money, it is necessary to innovate, undertake and be efficient to work and earn more money based on my knowledge, skills, abilities and in general of the whole scenario.

It is noteworthy that from each of the previous points, a long chain of linked processes will be generated, with data analysis, planning, management and execution of processes and projects, which as a whole will lead to neutralize or minimize the aforementioned root of the problem and in the specific case of the problem posed as an example, the solution is to be able to eat rationally and adequately whenever necessary, because "I am hungry" and therefore I can satisfy my hunger with healthy food and without any problem.

From the above, the following steps will come directly and indirectly in virtuous chain reaction, because that way they will automatically contain the proposals that will surely not only solve the problem, but simultaneously will also cause the solutions of several problems or areas of possible improvements associated with the main problem, and equivalently to its causes and consequences.

To give an idea of contrast to better understand the issue, as a counterexample I must indicate that those who do not handle the philosophy of this tool well, given the problem will surely generate "solutions" negative or absurd, presumptuously easy but really not solve anything and the long only complicate the problem; As it happens today in Venezuela (For example, Problem: I'm hungry, negative or absurd solutions: I worry and despair because I'm hungry or I'll see what I have to eat or if I do not get food or money to buy food, I go into crisis because I can not eat nothing, or stay quiet, going hungry today and tomorrow I will see what I get to eat, or I think today I have bad luck and if my luck improves I will eat someday, or someone should feed me, or God punishes me, or I will steal, or I will borrow, or I will eat the leftovers of others or garbage or other bizarre consideration, clearly evidenced when applied by many people).


Taking into account the Scientific Method, but without following its absolute rigor; it has to be based on the direct observation, the comparison, contrast and triangulation of the available data and the experiences experienced in my 50 years of life in Venezuela; it is inferred as a hypothesis for the present investigation, that the Great Problem and/or the Serious Problems of Venezuela, are derivatives or direct and aggravated consequences of Erroneous and every time WORST philosophies, policies, applications, managements, executions, processes and corrupt practices, inefficient and harsh of All Government Systems that since 1950 have been installed in the country.

That is, the specific, statistical and historical evidences show the progressive damage caused by this structural problem at all levels; especially in the institutional, political, partisan, electoral, microeconomic, macroeconomic, social, productive, ethical, moral, educational, security, trust, control and stimulus fields, entrepreneurship and innovation and national production. Which has been added to the stupid division of Venezuelans who are manipulable and fanatizable, for the benefit of corrupt government officials and international enemies, as a whole to deplete the Venezuelan society and family.

Therefore, and in accordance with the paragraphs previously exposed, I will proceed to deny the problem, from which it is obtained: To devise, design and implement excellent and ever better philosophies, policies, applications, management, executions, honest and efficient processes and practices, Inviolables, Chords and Realists To Establish a New System of Government of Quality, National Unity and Continuous Improvement, in Venezuela, for Venezuela, of the Venezuelans and for the Venezuelans.

In this interesting context, all the necessary activities must be programmed in a planned, objective manner, based on processes and quantifiable indicators, to be trumpeted and executed in the shortest possible time and with efficiency and honesty in the use of resources; therefore, we must seek the union and consensus of all the actors, of the Venezuelans and their institutions, to convince them of the necessary Unity of Action to promote the best initiatives of Quality and Continuous Improvement that will allow to reach a more prosperous future and satisfactory for Venezuela and All Venezuelans.

But how...?

In terms of the situation raised and not to extend the issue so much, then I will focus only on the root of the problem, and pointing out only in 3 of my questions and answers are (eventually there are many points that should be questioned, expanded and improved for this proposal, including the possible answers):

.- How to achieve it? It is inferred that the best mechanism would be through a National Constituent Assembly properly elected by Venezuelans (because sovereignty resides in the People); and from that scenario, through the promulgation of a New National Constitution Republican and Federative, Quality, Inviolable and Perfectible for Continuous Improvement.

.- How would that new system of government? Naturally, a Government of National Unity, truly democratic, without a particular philosophical or partisan tendency, without messianic or presidentialist leadership, in which there are 4 Independent Public Powers (Executive Power, Legislative Power, Judicial Power and Citizen Power, the latter containing three Independent sub-powers: Electoral, Comptroller and Quality and Improvement Consultant). All the Powers will be of an "Assemblyman" character and elected by the people, in direct, universal, free and secret elections.

.- How to promote it? With the Union of All Venezuelans and their Institutions, applying the SWOT Matrix (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), and putting aside our fears, laziness, conformism, apathy, fanaticism, political tendencies, distrust, comfort zones, despair, intolerances, pettiness, selfishness and resentment, to go out into the streets and demand changes in quality and continuous improvement that we all deserve and Venezuela deserves.

And What Would Be The Next Steps...?

Combining the above, it is inferred that the due chain reaction of Perfect Quality and Continuous Improvement of Venezuelans will occur almost immediately, which would immediately affect Venezuela, and vice versa and in all state institutions, both public and private, including the apparatus productive; and in agreement, everything will be executed with the ideal Data Analysis, Process and Project Planning, Management, Execution and Control of Perfect Quality, Continuous Improvement and Feedback; which as a whole will affect directly and indirectly to minimize the problem detected; and from there the problems and failures that will arise in the novel way to transit will be solved almost automatically.

In an equivalent way, due to the current state of the country, it is considered pertinent and viable to allow us the opportunity to develop and experiment in this Great National Laboratory called Venezuela, and its satisfactory results, generate acceptable theories and practices, perfectible and in harmony with reality; with the intention of really improving, based on the execution of the virtuous positive chain reaction that is expected to happen almost simultaneously and immediately, along with this process that will also cause the solutions of multiple problems or areas of possible associated improvements.

That is, from this global point, all solutions to the generic problems of Venezuela and the Venezuelans, contextualized in this framework of actions and in the necessary, sustainable and optimal progress, will come by "default" or addition of the Perfectible System of Quality and Continuous Improvement of Venezuela and for Venezuela, of the Venezuelans and for the Venezuelans.

Which Methodology Should Be Applied?

So, with all the above, it is noted that I really consider that the application of a particular methodology is not the important thing; because from my perspective, the transcendental thing is to apply some type of valid and proven mechanism in results and efficiency, to reach the proposed aims of solving the serious problems of Country, based on Quality and Continuous Improvement.

In fact, worldwide there are many proven and efficient methods focused on Quality and Continuous Improvement, and among the most recognized for their effectiveness are: those of the ISO Standard, the Kaizen Method and the Deming Method, among many other good methodologies; therefore, a rational generalized approach could be decided in the combination and joint application of the previously mentioned trio, because they tend to be similar in some of their principles, complementary in others and supplementary in the small gaps that each have; with the nice advantage that they do not collide or contradict any of their proposals, strategies or techniques.


Although I have nothing in particular, my proposals and conclusions are mainly aimed at promoting true, massive and powerful citizen participation, based on morals, honesty, equity, principles and ethics; hoping for a better tomorrow of Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement; to promote the necessary Union, commitment, courage, intelligence, reflection and social and political struggle for the good of the country and of all Venezuelans.

Therefore, according to the results of the analysis carried out and the series of 4 articles published, although I am not a specialist in the subject; In this context, I venture to propose and conclude the following:

*- My Proposals?

.- In the first place, the need to promote the Perfect National Union of All Venezuelans and all its Public and Private Institutions, in order to devise, design and implement excellent and increasingly better philosophies, policies and applications, is clearly evident. Practices, Honest and Inviolable for the Implementation of a New Government System of Perfect Quality, National Unity and Continuous Improvement, in Venezuela and for Venezuelans; for the Satisfaction and Progressive and Sustainable Growth of All Venezuelans.

.- In the second place, every government should be required to guide its management and execution of government without fanaticism or populism, centered on honesty, ethics, decency, inclusion, modernity and efficiency, with good social, political and economic sense, both theoretical and practical; that encourages, promotes and finances the growth of the country, its productive apparatus, its technology, its GDP and the Quality of Life of all citizens and without discrimination of any kind.

*- My Conclusions?

.- In summary of what was observed and analyzed during the phases of diagnosis and development, it was evident that all Government Systems implemented in Venezuela since the 50s of the last century (and perhaps since much earlier), are Divisionist, Corrupt, Repressive, Inefficient, Nepotic, Harmful of the Country and lacking in Quality; In addition, each new Government that is implanted, comes as a consequence of the previous one, dragging and worsening its ills and the situation of the country.

.- The perception and reality of the Venezuelan with respect to the current Government is in totally negative ranges, and therefore there is not even the slightest confidence of the people towards the governing body of Venezuela; especially, when comparing its terrible actions, with the riches and the capacities that Venezuela has to satisfy the needs of the Venezuelan and for the self-sustainability of the country.

.- It is necessary to promote and achieve National Unity to promote the call for elections for a New and True National Constituent Assembly, without political overtones and representing the interests of the country and of all Venezuelans, not a group of individuals in arrears political-partisan philosophy; with the purpose of elaborating a New National Constitution, Republican and Federative, of Quality, Inviolable and Perfectible by Continuous Improvement for all Venezuelans.

.- It is feasible to adopt a Novel Government System of Perfect Quality, National Unity and Continuous Improvement, in the format of National Assemblies of Perfect Quality, for each of the Independent Public Powers (Executive, Legislative, Judicial and Citizen; encompassing 3 subpowers: Electoral, Comptroller and Quality and Improvement Consultant); with a process-based approach, to maintain continuous, corrective and independent control of all inherent operations and processes.

.- It is an essential requirement to identify the responsibilities and commitments for each activity carried out by the elected citizen and in government functions and to evaluate their interrelationships and executions for the good of the country.

.- I believe that with the implementation of a Government System of Perfect Quality, National Unity and Continuous Improvement, will allow Venezuela to be at the forefront of the world in political, social and economic terms. Because the Perfectible Quality will be the basis of its laws, executions, justice, processes, services, productivity and controls, with efficiency and effectiveness for the complete satisfaction of all Venezuelans.

To finish, I humbly wish that the 4 documents resulting from the brief investigation carried out will be very useful, presented as perfectible "working papers", for the reflection of those who can read and internalize them...

Source of All Images:


Look at Brexit in England. They want to leave the EU, but 2 years later, they're not out because the EU won't let them. It can be tough. It can be tough in your country too. Same with Brazil maybe. It may take a lot of revolution by people. It starts with the people talking about it and doing their best to make things happen together. Upvoted.

The force is with you! You got a 2.37% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @josevasquez!

Muy interesante, me gustó mucho lo que propusiste, ojalá pudiera implementarse.. Saludos

Muy buena propuesta.