Serious Question for Milk / Cheese Lovers

in #vegan7 years ago

Serious Question: assuming the price and availability were the same, would you drink human milk as regularly as you drink an animal’s milk? Would you eat human cheese or animal cheese? If yes, why?

I ask that you re-Steem this so we can get more people to think about this and reply below. Thank you!

Fun fact: people from Asian countries consume the least amount of dairy products...and they typically find the taste of dairy products repulsive :) I leaned this mostly from my Chinese friends.

Thank you! :)

It is my wish to serve you with these words!

Some info about me: I've been involved with Bitcoin since 2010. By trade I am an expert on blockchain technology. I am the Project Director for Wall of Coins, and CEO for Genitrust, Inc. I eat primarily fruits and leafy greens ("fruitarian"). This is known as a frugivorous diet, which is the diet by design of the human species and most primates. I don't cook my fruits, so you may also call this "raw vegan". I have eaten virtually every food item and major cultural style on this planet. I have experienced long periods of many different diet regimens: acid/alkaline, ketogenic, vegan, etc. In my spare time as a child, and an adult, I truly relished reading articles, books, and research papers on nutritional observation. I also enjoy and frequently practice long periods of juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

Thank you for reading, upvoting, tipping, and re-steeming!
Robert Genito
Steemit | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook are all @robertgenito


Great post, brother, wonderful how so many people are getting this message out there. More and more people are waking up to the fact that they have been manically marketed to death (in some sad cases...literally) by the big agri-dairy meat companies.

This year will see more revelations about the lies they have fed us, along with their poisonous products and more will vote with their cash and stop supporting these massive industries that put profit ahead of both kindness and decent moral values.

And to quote @tonysayers33 when he commented on my recent post on veganism called Eating Kindness;

"How can we say we want peace in the world when there is violence on our plates?"

Its just indefensible isn't it?

From a fellow faster, alkaline vegan gal I wish you happy steeming!
In peace

I am so happy you wrote here! Thank you for helping to spread this consciousness :) Full upvote!

Thank you for that @robertgenito much appreciated!

My simple philosophy is KINDness and one simply cannot be kind if one is ingesting suffering of any kind! 😊

That goes for milk products from animals too...cows, goats, sheep and donkey milk is meant for THEIR babies not for humans. If you consider the fact that when cow's milk is fed to a calf it creates the growth of an animal the size of a cow...just think what over consumption of cow's milk (and products like cheese made from it) will do to the size of a human???

Then you can clearly see one of the reasons why we have an explosion in the western world of obesity.

For the health of the planet, all of the creatures upon it and for us humans...plant based eating makes TOTAL sense💚🌱🌿

Good Afternoon.

Human breast milk has a plethora of benefits, including hormones that enhance the growth and development of infants. In fact, many protein supplements have begun to to model human breast milk for its growth hormone properties. In fact it is one of the most beneficial supplements in existence that has been perfected by evolution.

Now if people have a "disgust" for it in later years, that is a social or cultural bias. Matter of fact, many men state they have a "fetish" for breast milk when their wives are pregnant (just google this).

Now to compare this with the milk of other mammals is kinda like comparing apples to oranges. This milk does have great qualities, but is not perfected like human breast milk for humans.

Addressing the "Chinese culture" views of milk, fact is many asain cultures are actually lactose intolent, there have many numerous studies on this. Why? Because milk from popular species "cows, goats, etc" has not been a staple in their diet like it has been for European cultures. Therefore, they re genetically unaccustomed to them.

It is quite similar to going to another country and trying their "delicious" rotten bird carcass in an egg, live squid soup, etc. Yes we find those repulsive but in some countries? Delicacies.

Great points on human breast milk. You don't find that a bit suspicious that the whole world is lactose intolerant except Americans/Canadians and people from Great Britain? I find that biased itself...because Chinese people clearly have the same exact anatomy and physiology. The "staple" is complete bs--children of western cultures who have never experienced animal milk have the same exact reactions as eastern people. This gives high suspicion that the studies concerning "milk as a staple diet" come from--you guessed it--the dairy industry. Basically, it's marketing. Being no stranger to these games, I am happy to call them out on it and make people of this world aware of it.

It is quite similar to going to another country and trying their "delicious" rotten bird carcass in an egg, live squid soup, etc. Yes we find those repulsive but in some countries? Delicacies.

The person who is not indoctrinated to eat/drink the "delicacy" realizes that it's disgusting. Their experience is more in-tune with the fact that those "delicacy" food items simply do not belong in the body, or to say it more fair: those items are not human fuel, and become addictive or habit-forming substances at best. On the other hand, the indoctrinated culture remains blind to how repulsive that "delicacy" is to their dulled senses.

So important to get people thinking about the fact that eating animal excretions is not only damaging their health, but the animals and the Planet. Resteemed.

Thank you my friend. How awesome would that be if everyone who saw this today resteemed? I encourage you to also write this question at another time in the future, too...we gotta get people thinking! :) thank you again!

Im just about to write a blog on veganism now :)

yes i will eat , because finally they are the same basics it doesn't matter if a human or animals because finally the human its a type of animals but genitically its a little bit diffrent and he have a brain too !

I would love to hear what all cheese lovers have to say. I would personally not be able to eat or drink anything made with human breastmilk.
But I'm also a fellow vegan :) Resteemed.

thank you, fellow vegan! :D

No thanks to both option.... I love my nut and seed milks hehe ;)

I used to love nut and seed milk. Have you yet had FRESH coconut milk from an unboiled/heated coconut?! :D

Yep. It's so good. They sell it at our local market. Doesn't keep long but oh so yum! Have a great weekend!

That's a really good question! I'm vegan so I don't drink milk either, but I'll definitely resteem to see what others think :)

thank you! :) i appreciate you helping to contribute...this will help awaken our sleeping humanity on this topic :)