Top five flowers you eat in everyday life!

in #vegan4 years ago


You heard right people! I’ve been eating flowers, my family's been eating flowers, and you’ve had to at least at some point in your life! Edible flowers are all around us, whether it be broccoli or cloves! Listen in for the top five flowers that should be called food! Who knows, maybe you might end up eating some!

This last one I know for sure EVERYONE has eaten once in their life. Read till the end to find out what flower that is.


1.) Artichoke

Artichokes are extraordinary flowers that grow to have an amazing yet spiky display-if you let them bloom, that is! But this flower is packed with healthy vitamins namely, vitamin K, C, B1, and B6. Artichoke flowers also have some healthy metals in them like iron and copper. They are known to be good for the liver and heart.

I’ve had Artichoke before, and it’s decently good plain, though if you melt down some butter to dip the petals in, it tastes so much better!


2.) Roses

Roses have been eaten in salads, smoothies, and teas, and have been said to have a taste like a green apple or a strawberry, with accents of minty-ness or spice. All roses are said to be edible, while some are sweet and some bitter. The flavor of the rose is stronger the darker the color of the rose.

Anywho! Roses distilled in water and Rose tea have been known to have many health benefits, let’s go over some I’ve found!

Rose tea has LOTS of vitamin C, even more than an orange! Rose tea is good for regulating the menstrual cycle, as well as being good for menstrual cramps. Rose tea cleanses the liver and gallbladder and removes toxins from the body. Rose tea relieves a number of things, including liver problems, fluid retention, constipation and sore throat. It also fights infections, as well as cure runny noses and clear out bronchial (lung) tubes. Rose tea is such a superhero, I can’t stop gushing about all it’s many health benefits! Did I mention it can relieve fatigue, insomnia, AND depression? Okay! okay! Moving on!

3.) Cauliflower

Cauliflower is, yes, a flower that happens to come in shades of white, orange, purple and green.

My mother hates cauliflower, but with these health benefits, I’m not sure if I do! Cauliflowers have lots of vitamins C and K and tons of fiber. Cauliflower also has tons of antioxidants that prevent some types of cancer.



Now don’t tell me you didn’t know broccoli was a flower. Normally, people eat broccoli when they're all green and before they’ve bloomed. But if you leave a broccoli in the fridge too long, they’ll bloom into pretty yellow blossoms, for each of those small green balls on the top of the broccoli are flower buds!

Despite how pretty it may look, I do not recommend eating the broccoli after it’s bloomed. The flowers don’t taste anything like the broccoli you usually cook, so if you cook them the way you usually cook broccoli, they will taste off.

Besides that, Broccoli contains iron, a healthy metal for the body as well as having vitamin A,B, C, E, and K. Broccoli is also a good source of calcium.


5.) Cloves

Cloves may be most known for being a spice, but before that, Cloves are simply flower buds on a tree named aromaticum! Cloves are good for liver health, stabilizing blood sugar levels, and are good for pain relieving. In fact, the same pain relieving properties, (which is called eugenol, by the way) give Cloves their flavor. Cloves are good for treating acne, encourage blood circulation, and are good for curing headaches. Cloves also cool down the body, so...yeah.

That being said, go eat a flower of some sort, And enjoy the awesome health benefits that come with it!

[all pictures from]