Sunshine Coast vegan festival presentation

in #vegan6 years ago

Vegan Festival
Date: October 20, 2019

Topic of Presentation:



Hello, My Name is Mariah Manazza and I am a Certified Detox Specialist & Health Coach. I help guide individuals to heal their health issues through education on how to heal & detoxify the body & which foods promote health, & which foods promote HEALTH ISSUES.
About 6-7 years ago, (I was 35 at that time) I was living on an organic family farm where my health issues were at their worst, yet during that time, I thought that I had the healthiest diet possible, because the animals we were eating - were grass fed, our eggs were from pasture raised chickens & our milk was raw.
We didn’t eat out, and 90% of the food that we ate daily came from our farm.
I had suffered with excruciating pain in my leg from the age of 6, which doctors told me in my 20’s was incurable.
I saw a Nerve specialist who stated that I had a “dead nerve” in my leg, & pain medications for my lifetime was the only answer.
Later I came to realize this was the ONLY answer HE HAD, within HIS scope of knowledge & understanding, yet it was not the ONLY answer because I’ve now HEALED this issue.
During that time, living on our farm, I suffered with other symptoms such as:
mood disorders, insomnia, acne, cysts all over my body, times where my body gave out & I couldn’t walk for days, depression, chronic fatigue, reoccurring skin rashes, greying hair, declining eyesight, weak brittle nails, nail-biting issues, & regular migraine headaches at least once a week often lasting days at a time.
I was a mess, yet It didn’t cross my mind that it could be caused by my daily dietary choices.

We began the farm because we wanted to know EXACTLY what went on behind our food & WHERE our food was coming from - because at that time, we were waking up to the issues BEHIND our food supply & the factory farming aspects.

Operating a farm was an eye opener & learning what it truly takes to bring animal products & meats to the plate was more than I had realized.
It didn’t feel right, in fact, it felt like I was living a SOCIALLY ACCEPTED nightmare.
It’s not an easy task, or natural to separate a calf from it’s mother so that it can be milked 2xs per day for human consumption, it wasn’t easy to slaughter our animals, & it certainly was not fun taking eggs from chickens that fought to keep them.
Taking their eggs stresses them out & causes the hens to produce more eggs- sooner than they would otherwise if their eggs remained in their possession.

Wild hens lay only 10 to 15 eggs PER YEAR. The domestic hens we USE today are descendants of the wild red jungle fowl. Modern hens have been INTENSIVELY bred to lay between 250-300 eggs a year but in the wild, chickens, like all birds, lay only during breeding season – primarily in the spring & only enough eggs to ensure the survival of their genes.

I was trying many products to alleviate my symptoms, such as supplements, vitamins, MMS, hydrogen peroxide therapy, sulphur, etc. NONE of these products served to help heal the root cause of why I was suffering.
During that time, I did not understand health, or how the body works.
There is no such thing as a quick fix, our health issues build & develop slowly overtime, & the path towards healing is to slowly reverse our current habits & to replace them with health promoting habits, that are more in line with our body’s true requirements.
Disease is a message, an imbalance, it reveals to us that our current habits & choices are not in line with the body’s needs.

After farming for a couple of years & not finding remedy for my health issues, it took one beautiful soul to speak her truth & to recommend a book titled PH Miracle by Dr. Young which we immediately read.

After reading Dr. Youngs book, for the first time, I took a step back & I considered that my health issues could be directly related to my diet, which I had believed (at that time) was the healthiest diet possible.


This book made such an impact on our life, that we decided to test these truths out for ourselves, we eliminated all animal products, meats, eggs, grains, diary, etc., OVERNIGHT.

My health slowly began to improve after eliminating meat & animal products & a short while later we found homes for our animals where they wouldn’t be eaten, & we moved from our 7acre farm.
This was a major step as we had regular customers for our farm products.
We now viewed farming as a harmful practice. We now saw through the advertising, promises of good health, & dietary misinformation that the dairy, egg & meat industry sell to the public.

Soon there after, I came across what I consider to be the most important book of my life, it was titled Rational Fasting by Arnold Ehret.
This book was written in the early 1900’s & confirmed the path we were already on, yet it revealed more detailed information surrounding how specific foods react within the human body, the importance of fasting & which foods promote disease & why.

AFTER EHRET, I began studying Dr. Robert Morse’s Information. Dr. Robert Morse is a Naturopathic doctor who currently lives in Florida and operates a clinic there where he has been guiding individuals to heal any health issue under the sun with amazing success for over 45 years now. There is documented proof that his methods of healing through fruits/raw foods, herbs, can heal any condition of the body such as cancer to MS.
Morse has helped people walk again, when they were wheelchair bound, & told that they would never walk again by the medical community.
Healing is about simplicity, it’s more about what we eliminate.
We have experts all around us with the same credentials stating different information regarding our dietary needs. Something is wrong here.

For the past 6 years I’ve been 100% vegan, and for the past 4 years I’ve eaten a high fruit diet with some vegetables and greens…
Was it difficult at times?
Did I go through cravings and plenty of up’s and downs?
Yes, that’s precisely what healing is all about.
As I healed, I naturally began working alongside others to help guide them to regain their health
I would have to say that eliminating animal products & meats from my diet is one of the best decisions that I ever made in my entire life, not a day goes by that I miss feeling unhealthy.
Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for coming across this information and for having had the courage and willpower to apply it.

Nature sends us clear messages if we learn to listen. Living on the farm, I realized that if we were DESIGNED TO EAT animals, drink their milks or eat their eggs, we would ENJOY all aspects...

What I mean is, that We would feel really SATISFIED & PROUD to steal a chickens eggs, or to KILL animals - because that’s how natural flesh eaters would feel & it would be our INSTINCT to do so, yet most people cringe at the idea of killing a pig or a chicken themselves.

Most people associate the word VEGAN as a diet.
It is not a DIET.
Vegan only reveals what the individual does NOT EAT, yet VEGAN does not reveal what the individual DOES eat.
No two vegans eat alike.
We can have healthy vegans, unhealthy vegans & everything in-between vegans.
We often hear statements such as “a vegan diet is unhealthy or lacking” or “vegans are malnourished” there is no such thing as a vegan diet, so how can statements such as those exist when there are NO DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR VEGAN?
You can eat French fries & bagged chips daily & that is vegan. You can eat whole fresh produce daily & that is vegan.
There are healthy vegans & there are unhelathy vegans based on their daily choices, NOT because animal products are NOT included in their diet.
Somehow people have this idea in their head that if a vegan suffers with health issues, it has to do with what they DO NOT include in their diet, instead of what they ARE INCLUDING in their diet.

This is backwards thinking.

If we vegans wish for others to adopt a vegan lifestyle, we must give them incentive to do so, and first & foremost, we need to become the BEST vegan versions of ourselves, HEALTHY VEGANS!
Living by example.
If we want others to stop killing animals, harming their health & to stop supporting animal agriculture, there needs to be more of a reason for others to make the change, aside from the animal cruelty aspect alone.
Yes, I know that for many, this sounds absurd because what more of a reason do people need, isn’t animal cruelty enough?
Personally, I love vegans because they care, they have big hearts, & a large majority of vegans eliminate animal products solely for the animal’s sake.
I’ve spoken with countless vegans who didn’t become vegan for their own health but for the sake of the animals.
Unfortunately, not everyone will make that same connection, or possess that compassion - because the animal cruelty aspect & what goes on behind the scenes to bring animal products & meats to their plates is OUT OF SIGHT and therefor OUT OF MIND.
Animal cruelty and animal exploitation has been normalized all over the world, & its just considered a part of life throughout the generations & a lot of people genuinely think that there is NOTHING WRONG WITH HARMING ANIMALS FOR FOOD, they think that we are ABOVE the animals & that the animals are here to supply US with FOOD.


Now what I am about to say may come as a SHOCK & DENIAL may be your first instinct because of what we’ve commonly been taught surrounding human disease.
Here is a quote by Arnold Ehret…

“The diagnosis of your disease, of all diseases of mankind both mental and physical, since the beginning of civilization, proves that they all have the same foundational cause, whatever the symptom may be”.

In other words, our disease issues are the result of years of wrong foods & lifestyle choices that slowly accumulate & build toxemia or waste within. There can be genetic components, yet, just because it’s genetic, does not mean that it is not reversible, it just indicates that it may take longer to reverse.
Wastes accumulate causing symptoms to manifest. These symptoms are named as separate diseases.
All disease originates from internal waste. These wastes accumulate & cause symptoms which are generally the focal point instead of the root cause.

Dairy, all Meat & eggs are not health promoting foods for the human body.
Many people may not bat an eye to animal cruelty and exploitation because they do not witness it first hand, yet when they discover that the dairy they eat, for example, is mucus forming & causes calcium loss from their connective tissue resulting in wrinkling or saggy skin, they tend to listen a little more closely.

We are taught that milk supplies the body with calcium & builds strong bones, which is far from truth, milk consumption in humans causes bones to WEAKEN overtime.
Milk is highly inflammatory, mucus-forming & constipating.
If you think about it, that milk was designed by NATURE HERSELF with a calf in mind, another species.
A calf grows to maturity faster than a human.
Cows milk is concentrated fats & proteins, the chemistry is acid forming within the human body.
When we ingest cows’ milk, our body sees it as foreign, & since we lack the proper digestive enzymes to break cows’ milk down, we get an increase in MUCUS PRODUCTION creating INTERNAL OBSTRUCTIONS.
Our blood must maintain it’s PH of 7.2-4 or we have about 3 minutes before death takes place.
When we ingest acid forming / inflammatory dairy products, our blood leaches calcium from our connective tissue as a buffer to counteract the acidity & to maintain the bloods precious PH.
When we lose ENOUGH calcium overtime, this weakens our bones causing symptoms to occur such as parathyroid issues which results in weak or ridged fingernails, varicose veins, bruising easily, wrinkles, saggy skin – this is all LOSS of connective tissue.

I wanted to touch upon the famous “Protein Myth”.
We humans have this idea that we need daily high amounts of protein rich foods in order to maintain proper health.
In Dr. Robert Morse’s book, the detox miracle sourcebook he states this:

“There is a myth about the need for “complete” amino acids or “complete proteins” in the human diet. We have struggled with this misinformation for years. Basically, the misinformation says that unless you eat foods containing all the essential amino acids in one meal you will not have what you need to create a “complete protein” and therefore your body will be protein deficient. This is one of the primary arguments for the consumption of meat and dairy products. Consider however,

  • What is the diet of a wild horse, an elephant, or a cow? These are herbivores and their strength is well known. Their diet is 100 per cent grass and vegetable matter. If they needed the “complete protein” that is claimed, they must be getting it from plants.

  • Raw foodists who eat a balanced variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts are never deficient in the amino acids necessary for health. Quite the opposite. Plant amino acids are more energetic & easy for your body to break down & use. Meat requires a more radical & energy robbing digestive process to obtain the amino acids that comprise it. The other important factor here is that meat protein leaves an acid reaction in the body, creating more acidosis, whereas vegetables leave an alkaline reaction, thus cutting acidosis.
    Your body requires live foods to make it alive. If the components are not in fresh, organic, fruits, nuts and vegetables you don’t need them! Besides, there’s nothing healthy about eating old, rotten , dead tissue”.

We must understand that the body does not use protein for energy. It is only the adrenaline or epinephrine in meat that is energetic.
This is a problem in that your adrenal glands are supposed to supply your body with adrenaline, when needed, for nerve function.

When you eat meat, you eat the animal’s own hormones & steroids, which then weakens your body’s glands as they drastically decrease their own production of them. The neurotransmitters in meat are responsible for the loss of function of your adrenal glands.

Most of the population has weak adrenal glands. The protein in meat causes the liver to create large amounts of cholesterol which plaques throughout the body, concentrating in the vascular system, liver & kidneys. This leads to stones that will form in the liver & gallbladder.

Marketing & misinformation in the health field causes us to think that we need high protein foods for health. The reality is that we need amino acids. Eating an already formed protein is backwards because now your body must exhaust energy to break it down & reform it into usable protein.

Protein is a nitrogen compound, high in phosphorus and in large amounts depletes calcium & electrolytes from the body.

Animal proteins putrefy in the body causing body odor. Putrefaction causes a cesspool of toxins to build up in the intestines & in the tissues around & within the cells.
This creates a base for parasites to grow & the acidity creates inflammation which blocks cellular respiration, eventually causing cellular death.


Eggs are another food that cause health issues to develop.
Eggs are high in Cholesterol, they create mucus within the body & people who ate 1 egg per day had 28% higher rate of heart failure according to a study of 7198 incident cases among 409885 participants in the pan European EPIC cohort (I included a link on my handout)

( Arnold Ehret)

“Eggs are even worse than meats. This is because not only do eggs have too high protein qualities, but they also contain a gluey property much worse than meat and are therefore very constipating quite more so than meat”.


Many of the foods we once thought were healthy, are in fact not healthy, & are contributing to health issues that affect us today.
This is probably the most difficult to accept for those who have eaten these foods their ENTIRE LIVES.
Almost every family has family members who are suffering with health issues to various degrees.
I call this the diet / disease correlation.

Animals products & animal meats have never been health promoting foods, we are now seeing the damage these foods (among other foods) are causing to our health as each passing generation finds themselves suffering with additional health issues compared with the previous.
This is precisely why we wonder why grandpa seemed “perfectly healthy” eating a diet of meat & potatoes for example.
As the generations pass, the parents, primarily the mother, passes on her lymphatic system to her children which includes her strengths & weaknesses.
Our health issues compile as generations pass & continue to eat the same type of diets similar to their parents. As generations pass, if we do not heal & detoxify our bodies, or change our habits, these weaknesses are passed on to the next baby.
Today, we see children born with diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, etc. due to this fact.
We humans were originally designed for specific types of foods, much like every species is designed for foods that promote health. When we eat outside of the foods that we were originally designed for, there is a price to pay, which we are witnessing today, mirrored through our health issues.


Ever wonder why when someone decides to cleanse or detoxify, that regime doesn’t include animal products in that cleanse? what are we cleansing from?
When I begin working with an individual, the first step towards healing the body is to eliminate ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS from the diet because there is no chance of healing, if the very foods that contribute to one’s health issues, are still on the table.
Now I am not saying that meat & animal products are solely to blame for one’s internal toxicity issues, as there are plenty of other foods that also contribute to obstructions within our body, Yet the first step toward health is to eliminate the animal products & meats, then we transition from there to a healthier vegan diet through process of elimination, or what I call a transition diet.


I find that one of the most difficult aspects with changing the diet is not knowing what to eat & creating new habits.
I’ve created a recipe page that you can email me for, or sign up to my mailing list on my website.


One thing I am certain that we can all agree on, is that we all want a better world.

The world needs improvement & humans are suffering with health issues like never before.

Humanity has strayed far from the natural diet that we were designed to eat, It’s even come to the point where many people fear eating HEALTHY FOODS – because in UNHEALTHY bodies, natural foods expose, & can cause, short term DETOX SYMPTOMS - which are often interpreted as the healthy foods causing the SYMPTOMS – instead of that individuals current, internal, condition created over the years.
Every action, decision, thought, emotion & reaction, stem from one’s internal condition. If an individual is eating foods that we were not designed to eat, that individual is building toxicity issues within- no matter how CLEAN that food source.

The foods that we eat are doing one of two things when we sit down for a meal, building toxicity or cleansing toxicity, or, hydrating the body or dehydrating the body, so please choose wisely.

If we want change in this world, it begins with the individual.

Every purchase is a vote for more of that same product. If we want change, we must lead by example & vote wisely.

True health does not involve slaughter, or the use of another species by products, true health comes from eating plant foods, water rich, hydrating healthy foods!

There are common sayings such as “fruits have to much sugar” & “where do you get your protein” which are damaging & misleading people away from healthy diets.

Fruits contain simple sugars-& carbon is our proper cellular fuel & without it, true health is an impossibility, those that avoid fruit in their diet, avoid health.

A healthier world begins with you, the individual, never underestimate the power & impact that one individual can have on the whole, & veganism is not about being perfect, its about doing the least amount of harm wherever possible. It’s about knowledge.

Eliminating animal products & animal protein from the diet is a necessary start.

It all begins and ends with you, it always has.

Thank you.


Do you have any information about a lot of fruits having been changed and manipulated over many years? Such as common Bananas now not having seeds in them anymore.

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