Village life - vegetarian - vegan

in #vegan7 years ago

(Goat Hana)

Growing up in the village with animals around was awesome. The dream of every kid. Playing and caring about dogs, cats, goats, piggies, the small chicken was something I was doing with a happy smile on my face because every each of it seemed so interesting and cute :) They are the cutest and I love all animals on the planet!

(tom cat Richie)

The worst part of village life was, that animals are not for admiration and after while they have to go. It was very sad but at the same time, I was so happy to have that life. Even more when I stop eating meat and became vegetarian. As I said in my introduction I don't know why it happened to me, but it wasn't because of a healthy diet as I was only 5 years old.
Maybe I was powered by my twin who also refused to eat animal meat products. Double power :)


Right now it is already 25 years to be vegetarian. My stomach get used to it. Two years ago I decided to try a vegan diet and see how it works for me. Must say I did not have much problem as it wasn't that big change to me. To say now “no soy milk no coffee” and I am coffee addict :D Get used to it pretty much. Also, I don't eat eggs, fish, and mushrooms because I don't like them. It is a bit weird that even mushrooms but what can I do :) You don't like you don't eat :D

I really liked both diets. Both are good and have some meaning for us like individual human beings because we are all different. Vegan is more ethical and you don't eat animal products at all.
To be my advice = Go way that suits you the most. If it is vegetarian or vegan it doesn't matter. They are not same but both help animals and are healthy for you. You don't have to agree but it is only my opinion.


My relatives eat meat and I would not ever pursuit them to become plant-based diet. It is simply everyone choice. I can discuss what I think or suggest but that is all I will do. I was happy with my life as vegetarian and I am happy as a vegan too!

Thanks for readings whoever decided to read my short article :)



Vegan is more ethical and you don't eat animal products at all.

Not trying to argue here, but you do know that cows need to be milked or they will develop mastites and other diseases, unless you don't take the calf away from them, but even when the calf is taken from the mother they are usually put somewhere they can see each other.
Still good for you to turn vegetarian, i turned vegan for 2 year, but my body didn't like that eating habbit very much, i workout a lot, i started having iron deficiency even though i hate a truckload of spinach, so i had to supplement iron, than i started having deficiency in b12, so i had to start taking a multivitamin, and my metabolism couldn't deal with the amount of carbs and less protein that i was ingesting, i started losing muscle and gain fat, my metabolism is really slow, so i had to quit, and switch back to eating meat, in a couple of months i lost a ton of fat and gained a lot of muscle.
Being a vegetarian is not for everyone, but everyone should try, because it is better for your health and the environment.

I turned vegan mainly for the same reasons you did, because i didn't like to hurt animals, that's why i'm studying veterinary medicine , and if i could be healthy without eating animal i would never eat another animal.

Yes, I agree it is not for everyone but it is good to give it a try! No any member of my family is vegan or vegetarian if I don't count my sister. It is just not good for them and I am totally ok if they are not. Sorry to hear your body refused it...maybe it was just very simple for me and I haven`t experienced how different it can be for the others. My boyfriend is a meat eater and he is very healthy too! We are both but we have totally different diets...

Going from 180lb to 220lbs(vegan) back to 180lbs(meat eater), my body really didn't like it, and i even had a meal plan, a balanced one, where seitan was the base( needed protein) with some beans and chickpeas, well i followed you keep up the posts!

That`s really a massive weight lose :/ totally understand. Even you want to go Vegan you have to just accept what your body needs.. important is that you are staying healthy!
Thank you! I like your posts too. Appreciate your comments and conversation.

You welcome, i also liked yours, upvoted and followed :), sooner or later i'm probably going to write about it, losing weight is not that difficult once you know your body and your metabolism :)
Oh well, waiting anxiously for your next post

Looking forward to reading it :)