The guide to a vegan diet: What nutritions is lacking in a vegan diet, do you need supplements?

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

The guide to a vegan diet:

More and more people are seeking alternatives to meat based diets or just aims at decreasing the meat intake a bit. I am very happy to see that there is so many out there that is thinking about how meat affects them and the planet, but we need to become many more still. To grow crops in the 21st century we don't even need soil, we can cover a city's need in a skyscraper, and move away from land & water destruction and the big waste of it, which is a result of the meat & food industry.


This would never work with animals, they do not like to live in industry scale projects, but plants can do that. 350,000 will get food from this 1 small 25 store building, time for a new era of farming, without animals.

What nutritions go missing when you quit meat, do you need supplements?

Today I will go through some of the vitamins and minerals that many get from meat, especially in the western world. The first that comes into mind for me is iron and B12, both available in meat or for B12, also dairy. B12 is important for us to create blood cells and DNA so it is important to have a solid pool of it at all times. Iron is also important for the blood cells, we need it in every red blood cell to bind oxygen and spread it throughout the body.
Vitamin D and low sun exposure can also be tricky as well as getting new calcium sources.

Sources of B12

This one is a bit tricky, but there are B12 in algae or seaweeds rather, but there are also analogues that interferes with taking it up. We can absorb some of it and when we look at how B12 should be taken, small amounts often, I think it's a good start to add it to a diet. I eat it or drink rather in smoothies or preferably shots! Nutritional yeast is also a great addition to your diet and can be used for spicing up dishes, it contains B12. Nutritional yeast is just inactivated yeast.



Nutritional yeast, can be used both for many recipes and spicing up dishes.

I drink soy milk that is fortified with B12 so I don't need any other supplements, but if you are breastfeeding or pregnant I would recommend eating more B12 from B12 pills, since you both need some extra but also you need to make sure the baby has sufficient amounts.

Some argue that we can get B12 from organic grown vegetables, since they would absorb B12 from the dung used as fertilizer.

I think seaweeds are underrated and not researched enough, since fish gets enough B12 from them, and larger fish that eat fish also does, it has to originate from some plant source, probably seaweed! We know that we can absorb some B12 from it but it is not clear how much of the blocking analogues is in a certain seaweed, so be sure to diversify your base of seaweed and not eat the same one all the time!

Sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D is just available in fat fish and are made in the body when exposed to sunlight. Many non vegans never eat fat fish, so this is a issue for everyone i´d say. Just be sure to get sunshine and eat mushrooms and again that algae can really help along, green or blue. There are some vitamin D in mushrooms actually, but just D2. I like portobello or shiitake both delicious so even if it wont cover your needs of vitamin D, don´t miss out :)
I made burgers on whole pieces of portobello mushrooms many times and it's very tasty and got perfect texture, be sure to try it!


Image and Recepie

A delicious portobello burger, makes me hungry just to see it :)

Fortified soy milk and tofu, just like with B12 is a great option and good to have in a solid diet I´d say, but if you take vitamin D and Omega fat capsules, be sure it comes from vegan sources and not wool or fish( fat and vitamin D).

And remember, regular milk is also fortified with B12, it has to be after the pasteurization, since its destroyed.

Sources of Iron & Calcium

Iron is often an argument for eating meat, which is strange. Meat have 40% heme iron which is easier metabolized then the non heme iron in vegetables, but 60% of the animal iron is also non heme. Meat is harder to digest, and per calorie you get more iron from vegan sources.

You can take up much more Iron when accompanied by Vitamin C and vegans do not suffer from more Iron deficiency then do meat eaters, so clearly meat is not the issue here. Still it is good to know your nutrition so you don´t accidental skip out on iron for a period. Always eat spinach, broccoli or green kale, or dark leaves in general, in your diet as well as tofu.
Eat nuts and seeds for breakfast or at the evening for more iron and good fats. If you do a fruit / spinach or green kale smoothie you will digest lot of iron actually. If you need some extra Iron you can always eat some dark chocolate, delicious :) and if you bake, use some molasses to add sweetness and extra iron!



Many of the iron containing foods are full of other minerals, just like calcium, be sure to diversify, that is the safest way!

Calcium is not scarce in vegetables or vegan options at all and can be found in anything from Tofu and beans to nuts, seeds and why not fruits.


We have talked about a few fortified products for Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D but taking supplements like pills will be just as good, I just like to have all the nutrition from my diet as far as it goes and I do fine without as well. Folic acids in high doses can help out when B12 is a bit low and vegans often have very much folic acid in their diets.

What I are today

Lunch & Dinner

Today i had the same food for both lunch and dinner. I made a pretty simple vegan version of chili con carne, chili con veggie perhaps :) It lasted for around 6 portions so both lunch and dinner for me and my girl and some leftovers for tomorrow. I just had bean pasta and cucumber to go with it, easy and fast meal!


A tablespoon of oil.

200 g Minced Quorn

1 Yellow Onion or 2 shallots

1/2 Large Squash

1 Habanero( of course)

400g small white beans

400g Crushed tomatoes

3 cloves of garlic

1 or 2 dl White wine, if you want

1-2 Carrots

1/2 Cucumber and 1 Tomato, for side dish

Bean pasta, as much as you need!



  1. Chop the yellow onion or the shallots and throw it into a hot pan with some nice oil in, wait 2 min and add whine if you are going to use it, let it saute.

  2. Add the chopped habanero( or piri piri if you want a little less punch in it) and half a squash, which i always chop into small cubes. Also add a shredded carrot or two, it gives a nice juicy texture.Pressed or chop the garlic and throw it in. Fry or saute the squash & carrot mix for 2 minutes depending if you added whine or not.

  3. Add the minced quorn. Let the quorn cook for 6-7 min with the rest of the added ingredients.

  4. Add crushed tomatoes. The quorn doesn't add much when using both squash and beans, I use it for nutrients and substance, you can switch it to 400g black beans, or even use both.

  5. After the crushed tomatoes is added, just throw in your small white beans and black beans if you like, I only used white beans today. Any beans work, it is essentially a chili.

  6. Boil the pasta after instructions and chop the cucumber and tomato to serve with the dish.

P.s What kind of beans we use really doesn't matter, if you like other kinds more, use them, I constantly switch between many kinds to diversify and get a broad nutritional profile.


Decided to take a pic with my crappy phone, looks delicious right? I guess i could have styled it a bit, added some herbs and fixed the light, but at least this is how food actually looks without styling it :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the post and recipe!

Blog headder.png

Stay tuned for the next episode, Peace


I also take spirulina for the b vitamin, magnesium, iron, and other vitamins.

Nice yeah spirulina is the best, like a natural multivitamin source :)

thank you for sharing!! we have been vegan for 4 months now and posts like this one help a lot in this journey!! thanks for your work! love and light

I am glad to hear that, we truly need more vegans o planet earth :)
Thank you for checking my post out, Peace!

we all need a new world made of love! thank you for showing us how!

We do indeed :) no thank you :)


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wow! information is super detailed and useful for sure! thanks

Being in Asia, my biggest challenge is in shopping for healthy stuff. Everything from organic fruits/vege to seeds etc are significantly more expansive than the usual stuff. And being in the city, growing own vegetables seems not to be an option too. But veganism is certainly a path worth taking. Thank you for writing this detailed post promoting it.

Well they say we are what we eat. My guess is you're very healthy :)

hehe Yeah haven't been ill for 6-7 years and work out a lot, no problems with the diet here :)

Thanks for checking in!

thanks for the post. Lots of useful information and answered several questions which I had about a vegan diet.

I am glad to hear that it was helpful :) and thanks for checking it out!

I have always been interested in these topics concerning vegans, in truth very good information greetings and my respects.

Greetings! Thanks for reading and the kinds words :)

Great article..thanks for sharing xoxo

Thank you very much for the sharing. I always worry on nutrition when we go vegan. That's why we are not fully vegan, and makesure we at least have some meat in one or two meal a week in order we have sufficient nutrition. With your article, it helps me to understand vegan, doesn't mean no nutrition. We also can have some delicious vegan meal without scarifies nutrition we need. Keep up the good work. Hope to get more yummy recipe from you :)

Yeah, Many do think that meat contains nutrition that is hard to get from other sources, but once you got vitamin B12 covered and know how to get vitamin D, meat is only toxic!

Thanks for the kind words :)

Do you have any recipe on 5 colors vegi? It always a challenge for me to cook a 5 colors Vegi. I only know how to do it as a salad.

I can´t think of one, but it sounds awesome, might give it a try :)