Day In the Life of A Dtuber in LA! Meeting Fellow Influencers At 100+ Person Vegan Meet Up

Hey everyone!
I was pumped about this weekend and I wanted to share it with you! Being a full time Dtuber and social media influencer gives me so many opportunities for amazing experiences as well as chances to grow! This past Saturday myself and about 6 other vegan influencers held a meet up in Santa Monica beach and over 100 people attended!
It was such a blast to meet all of these amazing people that have connected with our videos and to hear all the stories that came from that was invigorating and motivating! I was also fortunate enough to meet a bunch of vegan influencers that I'm friends with online like Rawvana, Derek Simnett and our very own @maddielymburner
Pretty soon here I'll be holding Season 4 of the "YouTube House" which is a yearly series that occurs with 7-10 influencers staying in one house for 10 days. I'm going to use the chance to onboard a lot of really huge influencers to the platform...who knows maybe it'll be the "Dtube House" pretty soon haha!
Thanks for checking out my adventures and for supporting my content so heavily, the community on here is amazing and I see certain areas growing so fast! I can't wait for communities to officially release!!
▶️ DTube
Hey Brian, I am new to steemit (1 week now...It's been AMAZING) & I just found your channel and subscribed...
I'm inspired by your Vegan Power & created a dieting and exercise strategy to get back into the best shape of my life!
Thank you @brianturner for being a positively contributing member on Steemit & Looking forward to seeing more of your videos!
Vegan Power 4 Life!!! Awesome Video and Awesome People!!!!!!
i am SO jealous! you got the chance to talk to all the people i'd love to talk to!! great job mate :D
I'm SO lucky, it's amazing being at these events and a peer with these other vegan channels :)
@brianturner you need to get Jon venus on steemit man!!! I've stopped using youtube because i don't want to support that platform anymore, but i still want to support you guys
haha love the cup!!! awesome meet up!
resteemit done dear
carry on have a joy full life
resteemit done dear...
This looks so cool! #govegan