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RE: International Women’s Day! WTF Is It? Why Shouldn’t I Discriminate Women But Can Do That With Others?

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Helpless, powerless and vulnerable are often dominated, harassed and exploited by stronger section.

Go back to Ancient Egypt and you'll find evidence of a very matriarchal place where it was men who were exploited by the pharoahs who were more often women at certain times.

I promise you we are not helpless or vulnerable and we are only as powerless as our self esteem allows. Men can be physically stronger than women but this strength has no play in determining the distribution of power among people. Who in this day and age came to power with their bare hands? The argument of strength is therefore invalid. It gives you no power over women as a sex.

The one weakness a person can have is ignorance to their necessity to be fierce and willing to defend his or herself. Any person man or woman who believes peace and love can always protect you is making themselves vulnerable, and this is something women are often wrongly taught, while men are trained to "protect" them.

Going by the logic, Animal Rights is also an feminist issue.

What logic? There is no logic there whatsoever. Animal rights is in fact NOT a feminist issue and women as PEOPLE are not comparable to ANIMALS, we are comparable to MAN.

Feminism is a movement that fights against the way patriarchy dominates on the vulnerable and weaker section to meet their own selfish desires & interests.

This is a disgusting way to dehumanise women on international womens day. Feminism is the radical notion that WOMEN ARE PEOPLE. We are just as superior to animals as MAN (if at all). And so this has NOTHING to do with animals.

World's most harassed, tortured, raped and murdered beings are female farmed animals.

I understand that your petition is for animal rights, but don't bring women into your campaign by comparing them to farm animals. They are incomparable and you wouldn't dare compare the helplessness and powerlessness of men during matriarchal times to these cruelties.

If you are so concerned with the cruelty of sex abuse among animals then why don't you ask God why he made it so that a feline has her insides ripped by a male after conception? These are not man-made cruelties. And we don't farm them because we consider them weak. It is because we are not VEGAN, we live as the omnivores that God made us and that is YOUR CHOICE to be one. Babies are taken from their mothers all the time in the wild. I do see the cruelty in the excessiveness that humans do it, but your petition will fail if you try to bring human beings such as WOMEN down to the level of an animal instead of bringing animals up to the level we share with scumbag.


hello @beanz i'm with u united in the feminist struggle! its great you know about ancient egypt and the matriarchy, i think you might like my post about ancient Egypt and cow worship...... i hope you have the time to check it out!


I agree with most of what you said, but what you said about pharaohs being more often women at certain times is incorrect. There were a couple of female pharaohs or powerful queens with considerable influence on their male partners, but those were unique circumstances, and women were hardly treated as equal to men at any point in Ancient Egyptian history. (I was an Ancient Near Eastern historian and I taught Egyptian history at a university, and I've always been drawn to feminist topics in my studies, so I've spent some time looking through this exact issue.)