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RE: Vegan Anarchism - Bourgeoisie Moralism or Liberation Movement?

in #vegan7 years ago

Nice, thought-provoking article.

I was vegan/veggie for 17 years. Morally, it makes sense to do as little harm as possible but we are animals that need essential nutrients. Unfortunately, these are found mostly in animal products.

Personally, I wish we could sustain a healthy life on a vegan diet, but, that diet (long term) causes damage to the body. It's good for fasting and cleansing.

On paper, some plants and legumes seem to be packed with nutrients, but these are not fully assimilated by the body. We don't have long enough guts to break down this much plant matter. It's the bacteria in our intestines that convert it into essential nutrients but we only absorb a small fraction of them. To get the full complement, you'd have to eat your own shit (like gorillas do) coz that's where most of the nutrients end up.


Anjkara thanks for the reply!

I have expanded on your concerns in a new post that you can view here:

Great. I've written my humans are not herbivores response here :)