Science Knowledge in Vedas(PHYSICS)

in #vedas7 years ago


Rig Veda 1.119.10

With the help of bipolar forces Asvins you should employ telegraphic apparatus made of good conductor of electricity. It is necessary for efficient military operations but should be used with caution ”

 This stanza of Rig Veda mentions use of Telegraphic equipment for Military operations.

Rig Veda 1.46.8

O king and scientist you both have your enormously heavy ships on the shores of the seas and all the means and knowledge visit you ”

Rig Veda 1.116.5

O king and scientist it is the heroic deed of yours in the ocean which is unfathomable and supportless, that you carry the people sailing in the ship of hundred oars to their home ”

 These stanzas of Rig Veda mention use of Ship.

Rig Veda 1.116.5

Rig Veda 2.40.3
O king and learned man you are the doers of good of people and you give the people for their benefit the airship which is Vimanam and is seven wheeled and measures out the whole region of the earth and space and moves everywhere and which does not stir anything, which is in reality the form of materials harnessed by the mind equipped with five artifices

Rig Veda 1.118.1

O king and scientist the artificial craft under your possession is falcon-shaped, comfortable, speedier than the mind of mortal, three-engined, and it moves hither and fleets like wind. Ye fulfill the need of people ”

 These stanzas of Rig Veda mention use of Airplane.

Rig Veda Stanza 1.116.3, 1.116.4, 10.62.1, 1.116.5, 1.116.6, 1.34.2, 1.34.7 and 1.48.8
mention mechanism of Ships and Airplanes. Swami Dayanand has explained this in his Introduction to Vedas” 1876). The scientists at IISC have also concluded that this mechanism mentioned in Rig Veda as explained by Swami Dayanand is feasible.


Rig Veda Stanza 1.50.4
mentions the high speed of the light. It states that the Sun quickly invades the whole world.

Rig Veda Stanza 8.72.16
mentions the seven rays of the Sun light. These are seven colours – Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.


Rig Veda 1.164.13

The cycle or wheel of the universe in which the five elements are fixed like spokes is in motion and all the worlds are bound therein. The axle of this wheel bearing heavy load on it, does not get hot and does never become tottered as it has in it the resistance of eternal cause and is moving from the immemorial ”

 This stanza of Rig Veda mentions that Energy is the property of elements, more clearly it is the property of five elements and their modifiations (air, fire, earth, water and akasa).