RE: Why I Smoke Weed- Steemit's First Weed Post
I've been a cannabis connoisseur for almost 25 years and I have a few thoughts to ad.
It's really strange that cannabis is being allowed to catch on in the mainstream. The controlling elite kept it illegal for a long time for three reasons. They could make money because of the black market and private prisons. They could make money using trees for paper instead. And the most important one, and why psychedelics are still illegal, cannabis has the tendency to "wake people up".
After many years of seeing it wake people up then watching them do nothing about their newly found ideas, I think the elite have determined that the people are sufficiently brainwashed as to not be a threat. Most will see that money is printed out of thin air and will go to work the next day anyway. We don't need much paper anymore because everything's digital. They can't build the private prisons fast enough.
I really think that the laws on weed are being relaxed because there is a more nefarious plan. I think that plan is to profit from the addicts, keep as many as possible distracted and mellow for the coming cull, and they'll start introducing gmo weed into the market that will further compromise our freedom and effectiveness against tyranny.
So, even though I believe all of this, am I quitting? Hell No! It's the only reason I'm still around, watching my species further enslave and eventually destroy itself! Without it, my false meritocracy damaged neck swells up and tries to kill my brain by starving it for oxygen. To avoid the corporate/government/elite trap, I'm going weed freegan and only smoking what I or my friends grow. This eliminates the money aspect of it, has reduced my dependency on it, I have less chance of going to jail, and I have a bigger chance of avoiding GMO herbs.
Vaping is just marketing, wastes weed, and doesn't give you the entire cannabinoid profile like eating it or smoking it does. There's a neat thing called the entourage effect. It's what happens when the terpenes and cannabinoids combine to strengthen each others' effects. Tinctures, oils, and wax usually bypass this effect and concentrate the cannabinoids alone. This could be compared to taking a shot of heroin vs drinking a cup of opium tea. With the heroin, certain compounds have been processed out so it's very easy to overdose. With opium tea, there are compounds that make you sleepy and nauseous so if you sip it slowly, you'll fall asleep or vomit before you can kill yourself.
Different cannabinoid compounds are created as cannabis is decarboxylated at different temperatures. Smoking the cannabis gives the smoker a wide variety of these compounds, which studies show are more effective when combined rather than isolated. Vaping cannabis releases a very specific profile depending on the temperature.
Then there's marketing/consumerism/garbage creation. I wonder how many vapes there are in dumpsters/landfills/oceans. It's sad when smoking it out of a rolling paper, apple, or even glass pipe creates no waste and doesn't require human and environmentally exploitative factories to produce.
The most healthy way to ingest cannabis is by juicing it raw. Check out or
We've evolved alongside the plant for millions of years, so long that all mammals have endocannabinoid systems that only respond to cannabis. For those millions of years, we've been smoking and eating it. Since vaping and the other methods of ingestion have only been around for less than half a century, we have no idea what the long term implications of using it this way are.
There was something else I wanted to mention, but I forgot....
I actually "woke up" on weed this sunday. It was really weird, I hate inhaling so I just took one puff, but it was enough! I just went silent and listened to my boyfriend and our friend talking together and suddently they where talking to me! They where still talking together about what they thought was random talk, but I HEARD them, and they where trying to wake me up. I realized that it is what we always do when we just talk without thinking so much, we try to wake eachother up.
Thank you for posting. I too smoke weed.
FUCK THE GUBMENT! GENESIS says that ALL SEED bearing plants... are ours!
I hate how they try to deny us. WEED FREES THE SOUL <3
Hope you get ever more posts to snowball to the top!
I up-voted you too... BTW, should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at:
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Please stop posting those signature images. They're very annoying and take up a whole screen.
I am so glad you wrote what you did. Thank you! I absolutely agree about the more nefarious aspect of allowing more legalization of weed, but for a slightly different reason. Maybe it's just me being cynical, but I feel like the government wants to provide us with poorly made and chemically induced marijuana (as you said) so that we aren't aware of the top quality weed; I believe there are strains out there that help reduce the plague in our brains, like it does for possibly reducing the Alzheimer's proteins. If the general public was able to have this quality weed, then their minds would be "woken up" or aware of all the bs the media and the government spill out. There would be an epic change in our world and that would bring chaos to them so they don't want it happening that way. There does seem to be a push for vaporizing as well and my post is shortsighted about many of my feelings about vaping. I myself enjoy hitting a bong or joint. Vaping for the most part seems to give me a headache and I don't seem to get as high as I would if I was smoking with a bong. I used it for my first time, and a few times since, but it' s not my favorite method of smoking. About being weed freegan. I LOVE this idea!!! My boyfriend and I have been looking into growing a small garden of our own, but have run into a few confounds that hasn't made this dream possible, yet. They are creating pods that can nourish plant growth vertically on walls if you are without land space. This is my hope to be able to start this soon.
I appreciate your words and thank you for imparting knowledge!
Good stuff!
lol, marijuana has the tendency to wake people up?? lol, the weed I smoke everyday makes your ass pass out after a few hits ;) No just playin i know what you talking about and Im glad the US is the rest of the world ahead by legalising it, after all its just a plant, to much fuss about nothing, fuck the ELITE
Everything in the post was good except the stuff against GMO.. You need to educate yourself here, there where just an open letter from over 100 nobel price winners published The antiGMO people are spreading so much crap, making people think the crops are bad for you. It´s GMO that will save our food supply and bring poor nations out of poverty. Like in China, India, Mexico, Look up Norman Borlaug.
Thank you for sharing this! As you know, I'm only 9 months into my "weed" journey, so I still have so much to learn!! All of which I am excited to do, so thank you for helping me with that. Cheers to you!
The hubris to think that humans with test tubes can improve upon billions of years of natural selection and adaptation is what will end up causing our species to go extinct soon. You really think they give Nobel prizes to people that aren't towing the line? Come on now. You're too gullible and ignorant to have an opinion.
After reading into this, I'm going to agree with you on this one. I believe the closest we can get to pure and natural is where we should be headed. Not toward fake and lackluster imitators.
TL;DR but nice!
Good thoughts!
Re-reading this again after a year or so later and am loving how good your response was. All the great info you gave. Thank you for taking the time to interact with me and talk about weed! I smoked earlier (after going awhile without) and stumbled upon Steemit and went back for a walk down memory lane. Glad I did. Cheers to you! @apocaloptimisto