
in #vampyre8 years ago

What is Vampyrism ?

What does the term vampyrism mean?
First of all this site has nothing to do with mythological vampires or the vampires
that you see in Hollywood products or fictionary books. So it’s important to know the
difference between the word Vampire or Vampyre.
A vampire is a fictionary creature that haunts the night looking for fresh human
blood. A creature with long sharp teeth, pale skin and long dark hair. Also vampires
like Bram Stokers Dracula or The Anne Rice (interview with the vampire) kind of
vampires belong to this term.
We will not look into this kind of vampires, there is already too much known about
Anyway, we will look into the term Vampyre.
What is a vampyre? A vampyre is a human being just like you and me, but he or she
is a person who is incapable of producing life energy (known as pranic energy or
(chi). So just like the fictional vampire the vampyre needs to feed upon living
creatures that can produce this life energy. He or she must do this to have enough
life energy and have a stable energy level. If they don’t feed they can become tired,
depressed or even ill.

What forms of vampyrism are there?

There are 3 most used terms for different kind of feeding techniques (draining
energy from a human, animal, plant etc.);

  • The Sanguinarius Vampyre; a vampyre that feeds by drinking a few drops of blood
    from a human donor, vampyres believe that blood is the material source that holds
    most life energy (prana/chi)
  • The Psychic Vampyre; a vampyre that feeds directly from human emotions, a
    human aura (energy field that surrounds a human) or from chakras (most important
    energy points inside you body)
  • The Sexual Vampyre; this vampyre also feeds the psychic way, but then by having
    sex with it’s donor. Most people that were sexually attacked by a vampyre speak
    about being real tired after having sex with the vampyre, or even speak about
    passing out during the sex. There are mythological vampyres that have much in
    common with the sexual vampyre. They are known as Succubus (female) and
    Incubus (male). They say that these creatures come into people dreams, seduce
    them sexually and after that drain their life energy.
    There are off course more types of feeding, but these 3 or the most used ways to
    feed by most vampyres.


    You think you are a vampyre, but how do you really know that you are one and what
    does awakening mean? Not every person can awake and become a vampyre, but
    there are people that are born a vampyre but haven't awakened yet. So awakening
    means becoming aware that you are a vampyre and the practicing of vampyrism
    after the awakening, to become a skilled vampyre.
    This is about what Vampyres call "awakening". This is the popular term for when someone’s vampyre side is emerging, thus awakening. When awakening someone
    gets symptoms that will tell them about their vampyric side emerging. This person is
    not yet a full vampyre until his/her awakening is done. And a lot of symptoms that
    emerge will stay with that vampyre during their life.

    The Symptoms:

    The following symptoms usually occur during the awakening and life of a vampyre:
  • Lack of energy while doctors can't find a disease like Pfeiffer or other diseases like
  • Sudden allergic reactions to sun and heat
  • Being extra sensitive to light
  • Feelings of depression and/or sickness
  • Feeling estranged from other people
    But with having these symptoms it will not truly mean that you are a vampyre, there
    is more to it in awakening.

    How to tell if you are a Vampyre:

    When curious if you are a vampyre there are of course some tests. This here is a
    good and easy test. But beware that it also isn’t full proof;
  • Feed for a week or 2 weeks (as described in the feeding section) then stop for
    about 4 weeks and notice if there is any difference. Beware for the fact that you
    want to become a vampyre real badly and fool yourself into thinking you just feeded
    and got more energy!
  • Another way to find out if you might be a vampyre is to see if you always had an
    interest in the nocturnal and/or vampyres (your suppressed vampyre nature usually
    causes this). Or if you know about past lives or have knowledge that you couldn't
    possibly have learned in this life and thus coming seemingly out of no-where (for
    example as a child you knew stuff not in any books you ever read and for people well
    above your age). Again this is a test not to know 100% sure if you are one.
  • Another pretty good way to know if you are a vampyre is noticing other vampyres.
    For some unknown reason you just know that person is a vampyre. This is what
    vampyres like to call scanning. See it as a sort of radar that knows when someone
    else is a vampyre. This is why most vampyres also know when someone is
    awakening or still has to awake.
    It is hard to know if you are one but if you are one and did some tests, usually you
    just know you are a vampyre.
    Be aware! You do NOT have to be a goth or metalhead to be a vampyre, there are
    also vampyres that look just like your neighbor, who listen to pop music, or rock
    music, or even dance/trance music. Being a Vampyre is a life not a certain lifestyle.