Want to Invest like Warren Buffett, but do not know where to start?

in #value8 years ago

Everyone knows warren buffet correct? Well do you know who taught him everything he knows?

BEN GRAHAM is consider the father of Value Investing....if you do not know anything about the stock market and or what gives stock their value. I highly recommend you read this book


There are two options that I like on this subject:
Aswath Damodaran teaches Value Investing and is considered very knowledgable. Find his pages at http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/
This can become a very complicated and time consuming undertaken through Mr Damodaran.

Another option is a book called "Warren Buffet Accounting Book: Reading Financial Statements for Value Investing". The writers of this book also have a blog at http://buffettsbooks.com/index.html which has some quick but very well written lessons. Hope this helps.

Start with a few billion dollars.

Billions is not required though, the principals will work with any amount of money. I would say the first key is to live below your means.

Billions are not required, but time is. I.E. time is money.

@pompe72 very true, I can not argue with that, good point :)