Galentines Posts Are Starting To Blow Up My Instagram Feed

in #valentineslast month

I've always thought this was one of the strangest tends that these modern women do. Basically its usually these single high maintenance type women will spend a bunch of money on all kinds of Valentines glitter and baloons and other random decorations and it is like they are trying to flex on guys showing them they don't need them to enjoy Valentines.

Doesn't seem like a big deal but when you see such a high percentage of women in their 20s and 30s doing this you realize that most people aren't going to be getting married or building families or any of that.

My prediction is that 80% of women 18-45 will be unmarried and childless by 2030 in the United States.

The guys are clearly realizing this to be the reality ad tons of videos coming out of these guys telling their story.

I just know how women think and they will say they don't like the guy because his ears are tucked into his hat or they will say he isn't tall enough or 100 other random things. The women aren't going to starve.

On top of all the Galentines posts another thing you see these types of women doing is having constant girls nights and having birthday month celebrations where they end up going out to fancy restraunts together several times during the month of their birthday. They might go out 8 or 10 times.

All these women would have been with a man in the past but now they primarily hang out with each other flexing on guys trying to say they don't need them which actually makes their situation worse as far as having a man invest anything in them and viewing them as a long term prospect.

This guy is really interesting and takes a very analytical look at things. It doesn't really matter if you went to Harvard, are a Millionaire, and have a high level of awareness. Most people are going to end up single in this modern environment.

From the woman's perspective I'm seeing most of the 8's and 9's aren't getting into relationships and a man's encounter with them will be fleeting at best. It isn't until most of those women drop a few points in looks when they would realize their powers have faded and then they try to cash in their chips with s guy who is a 9 and he isn't investing in the chick who is now a 7 unfortunately. Most of the women are going to play it way into unnecessary overtime.

It's just the modern situation and its only going to get worse over the next 10 years. The game is way off even for guys that have a good look and elevated overall game.