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RE: Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier: #TeamVaxXed Tour Now Interviewing Unvaccinated Families

in #vaccines8 years ago

Don't you know polio was never cured just redefined in 1956. They split polio into two different groups. one of those groups is viral meningitis of which there's some 50,000 cases a year.

In reality, the charade was continuing right on schedule: Of the ‘35,000 cases of polio reported on average in the late 1940s and early 1950s’, only 15,000 were paralytic – the reduction to 2,500 cases of paralytic polio in 1957, and the complete disappearance of all the non-paralytic cases, was a direct result of the diagnostic changes. It’s smoke ‘n mirrors. source


Yes, thanks @wakeupnd
I have to do an article on the history of how polio disappeared. There is so much information that it's hard to know what to share next. I've been focusing on the harm that vaccines can cause, but I should delve more into the real history of vaccines one of these days.

Check this out, if you didn't already know about
The sources are from millennia ago, when's the last time a doctor did this
"Dr Rodermund, a physician in the state of Wisconscin, created a sensation by smearing his body with the exudate of smallpox sores in order to demonstrate to his medical colleagues that a healthy body could not be infected with the disease. He was arrested and quarantined in jail, but not before he had come into contact with many people. Not a single case of smallpox developed through this "exposure"....I have ...handled intimately thousands of cases of contagious diseases, and I do not remember a single instance where any of us was the least affected by such contact."---Henry Lindlahr MD (Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics p 39)

Polio has never been cured because it is a viral disease, that you prevent with vacation. Should you contract polio, then you will almost certainly be crippled by it. Vaccination prevents infection. That is why you seldom see cases today. And no, there never has been a reclassification of polio. Just another load of made up, anti-science propaganda.

That's funny because the CDC even recognizes meningitis as being related to polio.

I guess they are known to spread propaganda too huh?

That's funny because the CDC even recognizes meningitis as being related to polio.

I didn't see any mention of that in the link you provided. Is there a specific part of that page that you can point me to?

its in there Non-polio enteroviruses

Non-polio enteroviruses are the most common cause of viral meningitis in the United States, especially from late spring to fall when these viruses spread most often. However, only a small number of people who get infected with enteroviruses will actually develop meningitis.

What's a enterovirus?

Enteroviruses are a group of viruses that include the polioviruses (viruses that cause polio)source

The key is 1955 the same virus. 1956 different.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, "anti-science propaganda"
(i laugh every time I hear/type that)

its in there Non-polio enterovirusis

Ah - so it's "related to polio" in the sense that it's specifically not polio? Sure, they fall into the same group, but they are not the same. Their "relation" does not mean that they will have the same effects or the same treatment/vaccination.

You can have Zika or West Nile. You can have leukemia or testicular cancer. There are differences.

I'm not quite sure what your point was about the "relation" between polio and meningitis. Are you comparing the effectiveness of treatment?

the point is they were the same in 1955 and different 1956